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June 27, 2024

Notah Begay

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What did you hit in there on the second shot?

NOTAH BEGAY: Well, I hit a little nine. The bottom line is it's great to make eagles in golf, especially on par-4s. When you do it if in a U.S. Senior Open at Newport Country Club, you'll never forget it.

Q. How did you carry this momentum to finish the round?

NOTAH BEGAY: I didn't. I made two bogeys three holes later and then it was just a battle. So those sorts of things sometimes are tough because you get distracted. There was a long way to go and I didn't carry the momentum. I did a poor job getting the round in.

Q. How did you assess the course conditions after all the rain we had?

NOTAH BEGAY: It's about as easy as it's going to get.

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