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June 27, 2024

Hiroyuki Fujita

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome Hiroyuki Fujita into the interview room after a 7-under 63. What was working well for you today?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Start was good. It was lucky for me.

Q. How was the course?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: It was so difficult.

Q. Can you talk about your good start? Birdies on 4, 5, and 6, and how you did it.

HIROYUKI FUJITA: 4th hole I hit with a 5-iron. It was kind of (indiscernible.)

And then 5th hole the same, 5-iron. It's 56 meter.

6th hole, tee shot was iron. It was two meter.

Q. And then you finished with a birdie on 15. Can you describe that one, too?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: For second shot, I hit with iron, 6-iron. It was four meter.

Q. You played in this championship last year and made the cut. What did you learn last year that is helping you now?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I'm happy about coming to this tournament, and then it was a dream to -- I play in regular TOUR as well and I was happy coming to this tour.

Q. You also played in five U.S. Opens.


Q. Was this anything like playing in those five U.S. Opens?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I feel like it's here it's links, and it's similar to Chambers Bay in U.S. Open. Yes.

Q. Is there a course like this in Japan that maybe you've played before and you've played well at?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Yeah, few courses in Japan. But it's little different. Yeah. It's in Hokkaido.

Q. What did you think you did well today? Driving? Putting? Chipping? What was the best thing you did today?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Iron shot was good and then when I hit a good shot, that time putting was good.

Q. Coming into this week, do you feel a round like this happening? Did you feel good about your game entering this week?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Not at all. Today was lucky, and I struggle with shot every day, but today was lucky.

Q. Is this anywhere near the best round you ever had -- even though you were lucky?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Yes. A lot. (Smiling.)

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