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June 27, 2024

Thongchai Jaidee

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you describe your eagle on 12 for me?

THONGCHAI JAIDEE: I hit pretty good tee shot. On second shot we have 78 yard to the hole. Pretty good lob wedge and aim right and spin back into the hole.

That's pretty cool. Played very good solid round, but just putting, I think we -- no confident in putting. Not good confident. That's why.

Anyway, golf, you know, I try to give my best. The golf course is tricky. I don't mind. It's very enjoy to play here. Golf course is nice. Green is getting soft. You have to controlling the ball pretty well. Pretty good anyway, yeah.

Q. How were the conditions out there today?

THONGCHAI JAIDEE: I play good, but just miss come green. Make two bogey. Then one three-putt. You know, that's why score is even par.

Two more round, three more round, hopefully we get back to my normal, yeah.

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