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June 27, 2024

Bob Estes

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Bogey-free round of 66. Good day. How are you feeling?

BOB ESTES: Good. I played pretty good last week. Then for the most part, hit it good, putting better. Went back to the putter I was putting with before, left hand low. Changed the grip, got a little fatter grip on there.

I'm putting a little bit better now to combine with the ball striking from last week.

Q. 1-under through the front. Back to back birdies on 11 and 12. Can you talk me through those two?

BOB ESTES: Yeah, I hit good tee shots on both. Got them in play. Not great approach shots, but good enough.

I was directly below the hole on No. 11. Had an up the hill, right to lefter. I had left too many putts short up to that point, and made sure I got that one right to the hole, poured it right in the middle.

I had one that was a little bit treacherous on 12. Kind of right to left and down the hill, and I had perfect on that one and it turned and went right in the middle.

So it was good to go in and get a couple more after playing pretty well up to that point but not getting too much out of it.

Q. Then 16 you drop in another one; feeling pretty good at that point?

BOB ESTES: Yeah, 16 I had a great drive, great layup short of that right front bunker. Sand wedge in there about 8 to 10 feet left of the hole and knocked it right in.

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