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June 27, 2024

David von Hoffmann

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. 4-under 66, first Senior Open, you've got to be pleased with that.

DAVID VON HOFFMANN: It was awesome. I felt all week the course was one that set up pretty well for me. I felt comfortable just upon getting here, had a local caddie on bag. It was good the first few days.

I knew coming in this afternoon that I could play well, but you have to kind of gather the nerves and all that stuff.

Q. Where you live, you probably don't see too many seaside courses. Why did you feel so comfortable here?

DAVID VON HOFFMANN: The wind, very comfortable, growing up in Texas, being a club pro in Texas and some in Florida. Not uncomfortable hitting the ball low or feeling like you've got to move the ball around a little bit. I think that was part of it.

And I have played some links courses overseas on just some family trips and trips with members. Just as most people do, they kind of fall in love with that golf. I love the look of it, especially the back nine.

Q. Did you feel the wind change in any direction here today?

DAVID VON HOFFMANN: Not really. We really weren't thinking about the direction. Just each hole, we were trying to figure out where it was on that hole. It may have, but I didn't really notice it.

Q. I'm told you rode a hot putter today. Did you feel like you were?

DAVID VON HOFFMANN: I made some feeder putts for sure. Got a nice start on 1, made about a 20-footer. Made some ones I needed. Had to three-putt No. 2, but that's probably going to happen out here, so you just kind of keep going.

Q. You had a nice stretch in there where you birdied three out of four: 11, 12, 14. Tell me about a couple of those holes.

DAVID VON HOFFMANN: Just hit good holes on all three of them really. Set me up in good spots. All the approaches were solid. I think I had about a 14 feet, maybe 10 or 12, and then probably 8 or 10 feet. They were all inside 15 feet.

Q. And then to birdie 18, which I don't think there's been a lot of birdies at 18 today. Tell me about that.

DAVID VON HOFFMANN: My caddie Nate, great read. We had kind of that green moves to the back a little bit, it's kind of hard to see. Just got it out there on the right line and slipped it inside.

Q. You go home tonight and look at the leaderboard and see your name up there with Padraig Harrington and those kind of guys, how does that make you feel?

DAVID VON HOFFMANN: It makes me feel very humble. Just going to come out and try to play each shot tomorrow and try not to think too much about that.

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