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June 27, 2024

Fran Quinn

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Fourth Senior Open. Saw you in Brookline a few years ago. How does it feel to be back in New England playing a major?

FRAN QUINN: It's so much fun. This is one you check off on your calendar you want to be playing. Such an incredibly awesome venue. I mean, just an iconic venue that really presents better than you could even imagine. It's a wonderful place to play.

Q. Hot start, 11 -- birdies 11, 12, 14, 17. Walk me through your start.

FRAN QUINN: I just absolutely striped it coming out and played great. Really lost a little focus on 9 and three-putted 9. Birdied 10, and then I came back and missed about an 8-footer for birdie on 11, par-2.

Then really hit two bad shots on the par-3 and made two bogeys.

Other than that, I made a short one on 7 for birdie and just played rock solid.

Q. You went back-to-back on 11 and 12. Did you like the putt on 12?

FRAN QUINN: I didn't think I quite hit it hard enough, but yeah. I had it to hit it so easy and it was so fast that you were just nudging it. So I was kind of like hang in there, hang in there, because it was a great putt, but it just had to get there.

Q. You had a good putt here on 18 too. Do you feel like the conditions from the morning to the afternoon...

FRAN QUINN: They were harder. Yeah, we had all the wind. They didn't have any wind in the morning. I'm very -- even though I had a couple screw-ups there, I was very happy with the 2-under.

Q. Some momentum today. What are you looking forward to going into tomorrow?

FRAN QUINN: Just golf, the same thing. Keep hitting greens, a lot of fairways. I think I only missed one fairway all day. In fact, I don't even know if I missed a fairway. So keep hitting the ball down the fairway and give myself looks.

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