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June 27, 2024

Paul Broadhurst

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. A bit of a windy day out here, but six birdies. Can you walk me through your round a little?

PAUL BROADHURST: Yeah, I birdied the 1st. Hit a terrible second shot into the 1st. Pulled it to my left, and made a shot up to about six feet; made the putt for birdie, though. That was a bonus. Then just a few pars. Where did I make birdie? Holed a nice putt on 5.

Yeah, 3, 4, 5, back into the wind, to play them at 1-under was important obviously.

I birdied 7. Hit it pretty close at 7.

Hit a good shot into 9. I made the putts with only four or five feet.

Then hit a really bad drive on 10. Got right out of position. A comfortable bogey really.

Q. What about 13?

PAUL BROADHURST: Yeah, 13 is playing long, long, long. Strong rescue. Willed it just on the front edge of the green, where I've got 60, 70 feet, and I left it eight feet short, missed it. A bad three-putt but it was from a distance.

Then played good coming in.

14, I played okay.

15, a good 7-iron into about eight feet and made it.

Then hit it close at 16.

Q. 16, yeah, back-to-back.

PAUL BROADHURST: Yeah, hit it close there. Good run there. Get to 4-under. Lovely tee shot into 17. May have hit the flag, but it went long.

And then played the last solidly. Didn't hit a very good putt after Steve had holed it on the same line.

No, I was pleased. 4-under, it wasn't that easy out there. It's tricky in the wind, and it's not straight up and straight down. It's just quartering a little bit. A lot of the holes are left to right; a lot of the holes are right to left. It's not always easy to get close to the flag.

It was easier because the greens were softer. I played yesterday thinking for a while, this is going to be brutal because it was firm as well. But that storm they had last night softened the greens up, so at least you can fire it into the flags. You weren't dropping it on the front, hoping it was going to bounce up all the time.

In that respect, it played easier, but with a bit of wind, it's tricky.

Q. Anything else from today that you're looking to take into tomorrow morning with a little bit earlier start?

PAUL BROADHURST: Hopefully it might be a bit calmer. I know I looked out the window this morning at 8:00, and there wasn't a breath. I thought, oh, god, they're going to murder it. I didn't realize we had so much rain. I didn't realize it softened up that much.

Yeah, I can see that, with it being soft and no wind this morning, it was there to be had really.

We'll see tomorrow. Hopefully it will be same for us and the same for the guys in the afternoon. It's seaside golf, so you never know. You just don't know with the weather.

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