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June 27, 2024

Mathew Goggin

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Windy out here today, but you're finding greens all over the place. Can you talk to us a little bit about your ball striking.

MATHEW GOGGIN: I hit the ball really nicely today. I drove the ball well and got a bit of confidence early and smashed a few tee shots, and that sort of helped.

And then knocked it on 16 for 2 and then 1 for 2 and drove the 2nd green. It's not often you get to three eagle putts in five holes at a U.S. Open. So that was just a bonus.

Q. 2-under to start. Strong start.

MATHEW GOGGIN: Yeah, no, I think I hit pretty much every green. One green I missed, I was putting from 20 feet. I pretty much didn't miss a green until we got round to the 5th here.

It was a pretty comfortable round. Didn't make any crazy putts, but had a lot of tough two-putts on those when I was putting for eagle. Nice to convert those. 4-under, good start.

Q. Anything else you're looking at going into tomorrow? Maybe a little bit different conditions?

MATHEW GOGGIN: It will be interesting to see. Probably turn up tomorrow and 1 will be straight into the breeze. Who knows? It switches around all the time here. It was nice to have it just one direction, but we'll see tomorrow morning. Try to take advantage of it, but it's still a tricky golf course.

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