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June 27, 2024

Jaravee Boonchant

Chanettee Wannasaen

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Chanettee and Jaravee after the first round of the Dow Championship, on top of the leaderboard after the first round. Talk about how you both played out there today in the foursomes format.

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: I think today we were pretty solid. We hit many fairways, many greens, give ourselves a very -- a lot of opportunity to make birdies. With her putting, she's like rolling everything. I think most of our birdies come from her.

I think with us having her hitting on the even holes, it really works out well.

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: I think because today we're bogey-free. That's why we -- I think we hit a lot of greens and a lot of fairways, and Jaravee on her second shot is on fire. That's why I always like, oh, okay. You helped me a lot. Because when I putt, it's easy putts because it's not a long putt.

Q. Sounds like you bounced off each other well today. Do you have any other thoughts about tomorrow with the different format being a four-ball format, back to your own game, normal tournaments?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: I guess we could be more aggressive to the pin. Like just see how our partner goes. If our partner is already on the green, I guess the other one could go more toward the pin and just try to give us a chance of a closer birdie putt or even an eagle shot. But pretty much I think we probably stick with the same plan, just maybe more aggressive on some holes.

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: I think maybe tomorrow we can debate it because we play our own shots, so I think tomorrow should be better.

Q. What did you notice about the course out there today? It's a little different from KPMG last week I've heard, but anything you really enjoyed about the course out there?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Actually KPMG is very narrow and a little bit long. But this golf course is wide open. I think today greens were a little bit soft. That's why we can hit -- like aim at the pin.

Q. Any fun moments you remember out there between the two of you today?

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: I don't know, we're just kind of chitchatting since the first hole through like 18 holes.

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Talk about the cup sip.

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: We talk a lot about non-golf related topics, and I think that was the fun part of this round. We just really enjoyed our time there.

Q. Talk about your team name and why you chose it and a reason why you maybe partnered together for this week.

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: We talked, like we played together last year.

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: We talked about that. I think at the end of last year, we kind of said, oh, if we were to play Dow, it might be good to partner together. So that was decided at the end of last year, and for our team name, we were trying really hard to come up with something. We didn't come up with the idea of Sloth Machine until like late Tuesday on the putting green.

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: On the pro-am day.

JARAVEE BOONCHANT: Yeah actually on the pro-am day and we saw because we were like practicing on the putting green, and we saw Pavarisa's head cover, and it was a sloth. She just like comes up, and that is like a Thai music brand called Sloth Machine, so she just come up with, oh, maybe we can play with the words and do like a Sloth Machine instead.

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