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June 27, 2024

Lexi Thompson

Brooke Henderson

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: I'm here with Lexi and Brooke after the first round of the Dow Championship. Talk about the day you had out there today, what it was like playing together and how excited you were to maximize on the round today.

LEXI THOMPSON: It was a great day out there. It's always awesome to be able to pair up with Brooke. I think we ham-and-egged it very well. She hit some amazing golf shots and made some great putts out there. We kind of fed off each other and put ourselves in position I feel on every hole and made some good pars and birdies and an eagle, too, so it was nice.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, for sure. I'm super excited to be playing with Lexi again this year. I feel like today was really solid. We gave ourselves a lot of good looks and a lot of good opportunities to make birdie. Nice to make eagle on No. 3. That really got us up the leaderboard a little bit. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow and hopefully going out and shooting a low number.

Q. With the format change will your strategy change for tomorrow?

LEXI THOMPSON: I feel just getting two looks on every hole, being best ball, you kind of focus on your own game and your own strategy. But there's a few holes out there, if they move some tees up, one can play safe, one can play aggressive, but we're both pretty aggressive players, so we'll probably just both do it.

Q. You both were here last year, too. What have you noticed about this community and this tournament in general, just the support from the fans and the surrounding area?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, this is a super fun event. It's so unique being able to partner up and play as a team. It's a lot of fun, and the community really comes around this event and they really support it. There was great fans out here today, and I'm looking forward to even more come the weekend. But it's just a really exciting and unique event, and it's just a lot of fun for me.

Q. Describe your team name and team song and why you chose it.

LEXI THOMPSON: Pretty straightforward with the team name. Might be the longest team name out here. We got nothing.

BROOKE HENDERSON: It covers it all.

LEXI THOMPSON: We've got all the bases covered. Song? She made me kind of take that one under my wing. I'm like, okay, but you'll just have to wait for the weekend. But just kind of like a pump-up song, feelgood.

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