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June 27, 2024

Charley Hull

Georgia Hall

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with best friends Charley and Georgia after the first round of the Dow Championship. Just talk about the day you guys had out there. One of the best rounds of the day.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, we played pretty well today. It was very steady. Shame about the bogeys on the last two holes. It's kind of hard sometimes in foursomes, but I felt like we got the ball rolling pretty good, hit some good shots in and kind of just bounced off each other. I'm pretty chill on the golf course and so is George. I'm not really a big fist pumper or anything like that. She kinda gets me, I kinda get her, and we kind of just --

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, it's only Thursday, right?


Q. What are you looking forward to most with the different format tomorrow?

GEORGIA HALL: I'd probably like a little bit less pressure, to be fair. Yeah, in four-ball, we can get a lot of birdies, I think. We had a really good first round, but I think, yeah, it would be nice to play our own ball tomorrow and just do as well as we can. But honestly, we're just going out there, our conversations are just anything but golf.

CHARLEY HULL: It was actually quite good because I haven't actually played the front nine on the golf course yet because --

GEORGIA HALL: It was so busy.

CHARLEY HULL: It was so busy, and I wanted to watch the England game, so I literally just said, Ads, let's just go to the pub instead.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, so I had to guide her around the front nine a little bit, but we did pretty well considering.

Q. Georgia, how excited are you to make your debut at the Paris Olympics?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, it will be nice to represent Great Britain. Obviously, like with Charley, it's so much fun going there knowing that she's the other player. Yeah, it'll be a different experience. Kind of like if you're not in top 3, then it's just a bit sad, isn't it.

Q. Charley, what are you most excited for to return based on being in Tokyo and being there in 2020, coming back for 2024?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I'm looking forward to going to Paris, so I think that's going to be my highlight of the week, and spending it with George.

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