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June 27, 2024

Nicole Broch Estrup

Nanna Koerstz Madsen

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Nicole and Nanna after their rounds today. Just talk a little bit about how it went out there and maybe the difficulties of alternate shot and approaching it different than normal tournaments.

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Well, we did great today. We have really similar games, so I think for either one, it doesn't really matter where because it's pretty similar to how we always play. But it was tricky in the morning because it was cold so you had to stay warm for when you were not hitting the shots.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, obviously the issue -- not the issue, but when you are playing alternate shot, Nanna was almost not putting on the first nine holes and I was hitting a lot of tee shots I felt but not as many approach. But I think we picked the right holes pretty well today. Our game plan pretty much -- yeah, it was a good one.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about your team name and why you picked that and your walk-up song and how your partnership came about for this week.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Well, the partnership has been underway for a couple years.

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: We've never managed to get here before now.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: We've always wanted to play this event together because we've known each other since we were probably 13, 14. So yeah, when this event came on -- we've always talked about it, but it just hasn't fit in the schedule. Our team name is Team Hygge.

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: It's one of our mottos. It's like remember the hygge, which is like a really -- it's a word for having a great time, having a cozy time. It's a very famous Danish word which you'll kind of know is from Denmark when you hear it.

Q. Tomorrow with the different format, any different strategy that you're going to take? I've heard a lot of players talk about being aggressive tomorrow.

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: We're both really aggressive players and we hit the ball quite a good way, so we'll have hopefully a lot of good birdie chances out there, and hopefully we can make them on different holes.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, that's the plan.

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