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June 27, 2024

Riuxin Liu

Yu Liu

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Team 66. Take us through the day today and what was working so well.

RUIXIN LIU: It's quite windy today and we started well, so didn't get off to a hot start but we stayed patient, and one shot at a time, and just encouraged each other. I think we did pretty good today.

YU LIU: Yeah, it was pretty chilly in the morning, so I felt like the scoring was quite tough, especially on the front nine, but we played very steady. I didn't drive the ball well today, but thankfully Rachel was able to save the team.

Q. What was maybe the strategy heading into today? You guys had a top 10 finish here last year. Anything you maybe took away from how you played last year and tried to complement it this year?

RUIXIN LIU: I feel like we're good friends and we know each other pretty well and we did so well last year. We didn't really have a plan. We just wanted to try to go out there, have fun and do what we did last year, and that's pretty much it.

YU LIU: Yeah, I felt like personally I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed playing with Rachel, and I think we had great fun out there. Even though it was really stressful, alternate shot, probably a lot more stressful than just playing on your own, to be honest, but I think we handled it really well.

Q. What is it about this event that all the players seem to enjoy it?

RUIXIN LIU: This is probably one of my favorite events on the Tour because this is the only time you have a teammate who you can count on to and who's got your back. I think mentally it takes off a lot of pressure. Then the crowd is amazing. I really love this town.

YU LIU: Yeah, it's just a really nice little town. I've been playing here every year. It's just great to be back, and the people here are really welcoming. Yeah, it's good to be back.

Q. Any sort of strategy shift going into four-ball tomorrow?

RUIXIN LIU: Just go at the pin.

Q. Is one going to try to be a little more aggressive than the other?

YU LIU: I think our games are --

RUIXIN LIU: Pretty similar.

YU LIU: Yeah. That's why we had pretty good chemistry out there today, because we didn't feel like we had to overreach or anything. I think tomorrow the weather is going to be a little nicer. It was quite chilly and windy today. Hopefully we'll be able to take advantage of better weather.

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