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June 27, 2024

Sandra Gal

Maude-Aimee Leblanc

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Joined by The Shorties, very aptly named, Sandra and Maude-Aimee. 3-under on the day. Take us through the round, how you guys' strengths came out today playing alternate shot.

SANDRA GAL: Yeah, I think we really complement each other, obviously. Maude hits it very, very far, and I think I hit some good wet shots coming in and then we both made a few putts. It just felt like we just trusted each other and really enjoyed being out there.

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: Yeah, the conditions were tricky, as well. The wind started picking up pretty early in the round, so it was hard to get close to the pin at first, so we were kind of just hanging on, hanging on and trying to get some good momentum going, and then Sandra holed a third shot on a par-5, so we eagled that one, and I feel like the momentum kept going on our side after that.

Q. You mentioned conditions were a little tricky this morning. Speaking of the course, how does this course bring out some of your strengths, and what are some things you'll have to navigate as we go through the week?

SANDRA GAL: Yeah, I think she's playing the evens and those are definitely some holes where you need some carries or the fairway is a little bit wider once you carry a bunker that I can't carry. That's been really great.

Hopefully I bring a little bit of that team experience with me for her, and we just kind of support each other.

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: Yeah, I agree. I can take advantage of the longer holes, and we can take advantage of Sandra's accuracy.

Q. You guys have you talking about complementing each other's game. Talk to us about how this partnership came to be and how you came up with the name.

SANDRA GAL: Well, 12 years ago, I think I was her big sister on Tour when she came out on Tour.

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: My rookie year.

SANDRA GAL: This year obviously my coming back from an injury, I really was hoping to play this tournament, and I heard she was looking for a partner, so I just reached out.

Then the team name I think is kind of obvious, isn't it?

Q. Switching to four-ball tomorrow, how will the strategy shift a little bit?

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: Yeah, four-ball is I think a little bit more strategic, so one can be more aggressive if the other one is in a safe spot. So I think we'll just play it by ear.

SANDRA GAL: I would agree. I think there's definitely a couple holes where one can go for the pin or hit a little more aggressive line off the tee, and the other one can just place it. Maybe we'll talk a little bit more about that, but otherwise we'll just play our game.

Q. Anything from today's round that hopefully if we make it to Saturday that you'll maybe shift up a little bit of the strategy going back to foursomes?

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: I wouldn't change a thing.

SANDRA GAL: Yeah, no, I was 3-under today. That was pretty good.

Q. How about holing out more holes?

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: Yeah, that's always good.

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