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June 27, 2024

Melanie Green

Hunstanton, England, United Kingdom

Quick Quotes

Q. First time playing the women's amateur and getting to the quarterfinals, was that an expectation that you could get that far?

MELANIE GREEN: Honestly I didn't have a whole lot of expectations on myself. I've said it to a lot of the locals, the R&A, the head pro here, the people that are on the first tee and everything, all the volunteers, every time it gets brought up, I'm just like, it's my first time in Ireland and I'm just trying to enjoy it. That's really it.

I know the weather is not ideal for me. I'm not used to it right, but I'm just trying to have the most fun I possibly can. You hit the ball and it goes 30 yards right because of the wind and it's like, ok, well, you know what, you're not going to find this in the States. So I'm just trying to make the most of it.

Q. Is that some of the toughest weather you've played in today?

MELANIE GREEN: It was pretty difficult.

Q. You don't get that in Florida, do you?

MELANIE GREEN: No, no, the 30-mile-an-hour, like, regular wind, I get the gusts, 30 gusts, whatever. You just wait for those to pass and it's fine again. But I've played in some tough weather. I'm not totally inexperienced, right, but I've had a few events that shouldn't have been played because the wind was like this, and we don't get it in the States.

But yeah, it's tough weather for sure.

Q. But given your success this afternoon, winning 6&5, how impressed are you yourself to combat those conditions and play links golf to that standard?

MELANIE GREEN: Playing against Paula, you know, she goes to Stanford. She's a good golfer. She's got a lot of success coming her way. Kudos to her, right. And honestly she just didn't have her -- she didn't have her best stuff, and I managed to put it in the fairway, hit it on the green and I managed to salvage pars on a lot of holes, and fortunately that was good enough for me.

Yeah, it's just a tough day and whoever is consistent is going to reap the benefits of it.

Q. A lot of Americans here this week. What made you decide to come over and obviously compete for the first time in this championship?

MELANIE GREEN: So I'm actually going to be in Ireland for about two and a half weeks. I'm playing in the Palmer Cup afterwards. I actually was told by, I'm sure you know the name, Filip Jakubcik -- do you know the name? He's from Czech Republic.

Anyways, he's actually going to be playing in the Palmer Cup, as well. But he was like, "Dude, you need to play in the British Am."

I'm like, "what's that?" I don't know when that is. I don't know where it is, whatever.

He's like, "Let me plan your whole summer schedule. He's like you need to play in and the Palmer Cup and it will be great." I think he's a sophomore in college. He's doing my schedule. I'm like, perfect.

So yeah, I was told by a friend, and a few other friends, as well, to play in the British Am and I know it's a great event, and I obviously have heard of it before.

Q. It's worked well, the run of events?

MELANIE GREEN: It's worked out perfectly. I'm staying with a few players, as well. So yeah, it's been a fun week. FastScripts by ASAP Sports ...

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