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June 26, 2024

Harriet Dart

Eastbourne, England, UK

Devonshire Park

Press Conference

H. DART/S. Kenin

6-3, 6-7, 6-0

THE MODERATOR: Harriet, a very strong performance today against Sofia. Just talk us through your thoughts on the match and how you're feeling on this surface.

HARRIET DART: Yeah, it was a really tough match. Tough player. I was really pleased to get the win and kind of regroup after that second-set tiebreak and come out firing in the third. Really battled my way through to the end.


Q. What made the difference in the third set? Looked like an easy win on paper for the third set, at least.

HARRIET DART: Well, I took a fall and my knee has been a bit sore, so I'm not really sure what's going on at the moment. My plan was to try and finish points a bit quicker. Today it worked.

Q. Is it a proper injury or is it just a blip?

HARRIET DART: We'll see. At the moment it's a bit swollen, so we'll see how I recover in the next 24 hours. It was pretty sore out there, and if it's sore when you're still playing, sometimes with the adrenaline and everything, you don't really feel it too much.

Yeah, we'll see tomorrow.

Q. Where did you pick up the injury?

HARRIET DART: In my knee.

Q. Sorry, was it during Eastbourne or...

HARRIET DART: Well, during the match I fell.

Q. Oh, sorry.

HARRIET DART: And I have reinjured something that was getting better and something else, so we'll see.

Q. How will this affect the win, or the potential injury, how will it affect your Wimbledon prep?

HARRIET DART: Well, we'll see how I wake up in the morning to whether I play or not.

Yeah, all I can do is give myself the best chance to recover well today and see how it is.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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