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June 26, 2024

Katie Boulter

Eastbourne, England, UK

Devonshire Park

Press Conference

K. BOULTER/J. Ostapenko

6-4, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Katie, a very solid win today against a very seasoned and tough opponent. What are most pleased about?

KATIE BOULTER: I'm very pleased with my level today. I think I have worked super hard on staying aggressive, staying tough in those moments, and when somebody is hitting it so hard at you, I think I used her pace really well, and a lot of that has been the physicality that I'm putting into my game.

Yeah, I didn't panic. I mean, even when she was hitting some unbelievable points, I just stayed calm throughout the whole entire thing. Played some really good, aggressive tennis myself.


Q. A great win. How difficult was it for you to maintain your rhythm on some of her service games when she was going from double fault, foot fault, ace?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I mean, she's one of those players that you can completely see why she's won a slam. I mean, she can go through a hot patch where she's unplayable, and then she goes through moments where she misses a couple of balls out of nowhere which you don't expect.

Obviously it's not easy to find rhythm, and I knew that going into the match. I tried to stay the consistent one, and I think that's what really showed today.

I think that's what won me the match, actually. I think just staying the same level the whole time, not going away when she's playing well, and also staying there when she's had a couple tough moments.

Q. You're always a player who is very quick to applaud your opponent's good shots. How important is that to kind of keeping a positive attitude and mentality on court when you're playing against a player like Ostapenko who sometimes their shots simply are just too good?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, look, I really don't mind playing matches like this. I think if she plays too good, then I have no issue at all. For me, I think I have done everything I can possibly do and she's taken the racquet out of my hand, I have no issue with that, because it's a positive for me, and she's just played too well.

You know, obviously I have to try and stay calm throughout the whole entire thing and try and stamp my authority a little bit with the way I play as well. But it's very difficult. You don't know what's going to come off of her racquet. She is an incredible player and I knew that going into it. There is a reason she has that résumé. Yeah, sometimes she hits a great shot too good.

Q. On the serve today, you hit 11 aces and I think 4 aces when you were breakpoint down. How good is that to know you can rely on the serve when your back is against the wall?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I think that is actually something that I do really like to rely on, especially on the grass courts. I know I can come out with something in a big point and almost get a quick point to get me back in to take the pressure off myself.

So I think it's nice to have that comfort feeling, and I do trust that shot. So for me, I've got to keep working on the serve. I've still got a lot of improvement to do on it, but it does help. It does kind of put me at ease a little bit.

Q. Afterwards, on the camera, you wrote "First time in Team GB." What's that about? Talking about the Olympics?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, the Olympics. I mean, it's a huge moment for me. Yeah, I mean, I did get a phone call in the morning about the Olympics, as well. There is a little bit more to it, but we'll save that for another time (smiling).

But, yeah, I mean, obviously I'm very excited to go to the Olympics. It's a huge moment for me to be part of Team GB. I'm already super excited about even the smallest things, just like the Eurostar. I saw some pictures of it already, and I don't know when I have been excited to get on a train before. I don't know, this gold Eurostar makes me really excited.

Yeah, I got a bit trigger-happy at the end and put that on the camera.

Q. Was it about doubles maybe, the phone call?

KATIE BOULTER: I don't know. We'll have to wait and see.

Q. You sure you don't want to tell us?

KATIE BOULTER: No. (Laughter.) I mean, I'm pretty much an open book, but I'm smiling and I'm happy. That's all that matters, right?

Q. I was going to say, you just look so relaxed out there. The confidence levels going into Wimbledon, as well. You must be feeling really good.

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I mean, look, this match today is a nonpressure match. I'm going in there, I'm playing against a player who is much better than me who again can take the racquet out of my hand.

It's a test, a challenge, it's something I have to trust the work I have been putting in, and I just go after it. I am happy with the way that I did that. I was so calm throughout the whole entire thing, and I didn't stress in the big moments which is easily done when you're sometimes expected to win matches.

But, yeah, I was happy with the way that I did that today. I think it was a really good level from both of us, as well, and a really good test for me going into Wimbledon next week.

Q. Can I just ask you something off-piste? Have you seen Challengers? Did you like it? Can you relate to it?

KATIE BOULTER: I mean, I have been asked this before, but yes, I have. I mean, I am a huge fan of Zendaya. I think she's incredible, and I think what she did in that movie is also incredible, because, you know, I think it's really hard to take up a completely different profession, something that she's not done before, and just make it look so easy. To be able to do that I think is such a skill, and I was very impressed with the level of tennis. I mean, it was a pretty cool movie.

Q. And the relationship stuff?

KATIE BOULTER: Oh, I don't know, I don't get involved in that (smiling). I am set in my ways one way, and I'm very happy me and Alex are doing great (smiling).

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