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June 26, 2024

Karolina Muchova

Eastbourne, England, UK

Devonshire Park

Press Conference

K. MUCHOVA/M. Linette

6-4, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Karolina, your first completed match win on your comeback. Just talk us through how you're feeling and your thoughts on the match.

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: I'm really glad, yeah, I finished the match. I played two sets. That was kind of the goal to try and get some matches under the belt.

I'm really glad how it went. I think I played pretty solid. I had great service games. I think, yeah, I helped a lot myself with the serve.

Yeah, just glad that I won (smiling).


Q. Did your level today or even just the way that you managed the match, did that surprise you, like, pleasantly in terms of what you were expecting? I know you had the few games in the last match to get a few out, but kind of how do you feel like you managed the match? How did it feel in the match?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: I felt great. I wouldn't say that it surprised me. For sure those four games, like, kind of helped me. Once I stepped on the court -- before the first match, I was, like, I don't know how I will feel, if the balls will fly everywhere or in the court. But once I stepped on the court, I'm, like, I actually feel pretty comfortable here, and I feel like, yeah, the court feels like it's big court, you know, that I almost couldn't miss it. I don't know how to describe that feeling.

So even in those four games, I felt like I could play rally, I hit some winner, I went on the net. I felt like I played yesterday, you know, the match and not few months back. So that was nice.

And today, yeah, it was longer. I could feel it's different to play two sets, be there a little longer, and was tough match. We had really long games. Yeah, I was for sure happy with the way I handled it.

Q. I think you had mentioned before that you practiced with a few players obviously before the tournament. I'm curious who you were practicing with, who you got to get some reps in with?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: I practiced with Martic, Ostapenko, and Keys and Krejcikova here on this tournament.

Q. Welcome back. What was the road to recovery like in terms of what were the big milestones? When did you start hitting? How does it feel to be back?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: It was kind of long road, actually. You want to know, like, from postsurgery?

Q. Yes.

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: So I wasn't moving my whole arm for, like, it was like ten weeks. It was six weeks until I had a wrap until the shoulder, and then I had a shorter one.

And then once I could get rid out of that, I started to do little movements. But actually you could see the big difference, like, each day was getting really better and better. I could do more and more stuff each day and each week.

Once the arm was strong enough, I started to swing with the racquet, hold the racquet, and then, you know, with some, like, softer balls. Then I got back into tennis. I think this is like the eighth week, or seventh, eighth week I'm on the court.

Yeah, that's actually really nice that I got back this early, because we had it planned a little longer, the preparation, but yeah, then once I could play with other players back in Czech Republic, I was, like, let's go on a tournament already (smiling).

So not that I pushed it, but I really wanted to go back and compete, because I prefer to be on the tournaments than to just practice.

Q. That leads to my next question. Was Eastbourne always the plan? Sounds like it wasn't always the plan for the comeback, and that maybe you were ready slightly earlier than you thought you might be? So then playing Wimbledon would obviously be a really big bonus?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: Yeah, the plan actually I had hope for Olympic Games or it was more the U.S. swing tournaments. So we are here a month earlier, and I'm really happy about that (smiling).

Q. Is it perfect for you in terms of starting your comeback on grass as opposed to having to start it on clay or having to start it on hard court?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: The best would be to start on hard court, honestly, for me, for the wrist and for the body. But I'm really happy I made it this early. I wouldn't care what, if it's grass, clay, or anything. Once I could play, I'm, like, let's play on whatever. Just let's go on the tournament.

Q. Looking ahead, obviously you'll play Madison. In terms of, yeah, putting your kind of all-court game up against her baseline power, how do you see that on grass?

KAROLINA MUCHOVA: I guess we'll see. It's going to be for sure tough matchup. Against players like her, I don't think you can really, like, you know, I think there is not that much time to play my game, so I'll have to adapt a little bit and come up maybe with some different tactic against her, and then I will see how that will work out or not (smiling).

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