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June 26, 2024

Ryan Dunn

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. What was going through your mind when you hear your name and it's a dream come true?

RYAN DUNN: Everything that I thought of came to life. Flashbacks from when I was young. Just dreaming of being in this position, walking across that stage in my mind. Hearing my name be called and walk across the stage today, it all came true. It was just God gave me this to be here.

Q. You were at Lutheran High as a junior and senior?

RYAN DUNN: Yes, sir.

Q. How did playing there help your development?

RYAN DUNN: It helped me a lot. That program at Lu High was probably the best decision I made, to go for my two years' program. I'm forever grateful to Coach (John) Buck and Coach Josh (Corbin) to give me an opportunity to play there.

Their practices are like college practices. So I was prepared to go into that. Just having the competitive mindset helped me a lot.

Q. You're known as a great defender. Is that inherent or did (Tony) Bennett put that into you?

RYAN DUNN: I think it was Coach Bennett. I wasn't really known as a good defender coming out of high school. Once I got to UVA and had my growth spurt, I think I got some God-given talents. Coach Bennett drilled that mindset in me, and I was able to take off at Virginia.

Q. What do you think about going to Phoenix?

RYAN DUNN: I'm excited. I'm excited. Great program. They want to win a championship and they have got great players to do it. I'm going to try to get down there, go to work and see what I've got to do to get there.

Q. Your three-point numbers, do you think you can improve that?

RYAN DUNN: Yeah, I think I can. It's just getting a lot of reps in practice and everything like that. Just getting the confidence and just let it go. That's what I'm going to try to do in Phoenix, is be in the gym a lot. Just do what I've got to do as a team.

Q. Are you a lifelong resident of Freeport?

RYAN DUNN: I am. Born and raised.

Q. You and your brother (pitcher Justin Dunn), both first-round picks in different sports?

RYAN DUNN: It's crazy because he lives in Arizona as well. We are both going to be in the same state again living together. It's going to be good. Being from New York representing not only as two athletes but as brothers in different sports, it's amazing and I'm grateful.

Q. Where he is now since his shoulder surgery?

RYAN DUNN: He's actually in Arizona. That's where he's staying. He's rehabbing on that.

Q. He's not with a team right now?

RYAN DUNN: He's not with a team, but he's going to start throwing for a team soon.

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