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June 26, 2024

Isaiah Collier

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. Talk about your excitement of being here.

ISAIAH COLLIER: It's a blessing being here in the NBA Draft. One of many guys, and I'm just blessed to be in this space.

Q. Is there anybody that you're looking forward to playing with?

ISAIAH COLLIER: I'm looking forward to playing with everybody, to be honest. I've heard a lot of great things about Utah. I'm just looking forward to learning a lot about it and living there.

Q. Have you ever been to Utah?

ISAIAH COLLIER: I've never been to Utah. I don't think so.

Q. I know you're going to have a crazy chip on your shoulder going in and make a lot of teams pay, but talk about what Utah is going to get as a player from you as well?

ISAIAH COLLIER: They are about to get a dog. I'm just looking forward to going in there and competing from day one, showing what I can do and just prove myself in the league in general.

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