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June 26, 2024

DaRon Holmes II

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. You're the third guy in four years from Dayton to be drafted. That's not typical for a quote, unquote mid-major. Can you talk about what Dayton is doing that has led to the success recently in guys getting drafted?

DaRON HOLMES II: Yeah, it's all in the process there. The coaches there, the people are just amazing. Dayton does a great job of giving you the right pathway. It's all up to you if you choose to believe in that or not.

So they did that with me, Toumani (Camara), Obi (Toppin) and all the guys before that. I decided to choose and I believe in it, and I'm here where I am now because of that. Very grateful for them.

Q. What was it like sitting in the green room waiting for your name?

DaRON HOLMES II: It was pretty cool. Great to see those players and a lot of great talent in there. I'm just happy to be where I'm at. Perfect fit. I'm very excited. I was excited the whole time. A little nervous. Great to see all my boys there watching me, but it's just great to be here.

Q. What do you think about playing for the Nuggets?

DaRON HOLMES II: Oh, yeah, that's perfect. Great fit. I saw something that I get free (nuggets) from Wendy's. That's pretty cool. Other than that, I'm excited to get out there and play. It's a great team and a great organization for a reason. I'm going to get better and keep going.

Q. When you get to Denver, what's the first thing you're looking forward to make it like home?

DaRON HOLMES II: Probably an inhaler because I heard that -- what's it called, the altitude? I'm playing. I'll be all right.

Honestly, I don't know. I'm just going to embrace it all and just be ready for it. I'm excited.

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