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June 26, 2024

Kyshawn George

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. You talked yesterday that you wouldn't know what it would feel like until you got drafted that moment. What was it like hearing your name called?

KYSHAWN GEORGE: Just enjoying the moment with my family and grateful and very happy that my name got called.

Q. In terms of Washington, how do you see yourself fitting in? They are a team that's rebuilding now and a lot of room potentially for you to play. Where do you see yourself fitting in?

KYSHAWN GEORGE: I mean, great. I think I can bring a lot to this team with my versatility, my size, my length, my IQ and my shooting ability. I think I will fit in very well.

Q. I'm guessing you also probably had a chat with them already, the front office. What did they see in you and what did they tell you in terms of what they are expecting?

KYSHAWN GEORGE: They are expecting hard work. Obviously, I can provide that. Just overall, like I said before, my versatility, shooting ability, spacing the floor and how smart I am with the ball.

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