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June 26, 2024

Yves Missi

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. Ja'Kobe was just up here and now you're up here, too, as well. Talk about the workout with New Orleans. I know that a lot of people expected them going big, as well but talk about how the workout went and also the fit and what the conversations have been like with them?

YVES MISSI: The workout went well. It was probably one of my favorite ones, actually. I just really liked the coaching staff and the organization in general. I had an opportunity to spend time with them, and just being able to talk with them and interact with them. They just talked about the plan and what they are thinking about next year, and then what they are looking for in a big.

And then obviously the workout, they gave me some advice on how to get better. I just love the organization, for sure.

Q. You came in unranked and then you were one of the top players in the country. Talk about your grind.

YVES MISSI: I haven't been playing basketball that long. I'm still learning each and every day, every time I step on the court.

Obviously, I wasn't ranked and it wasn't something I was paying attention to. To be honest, I was trying to have fun on the court. Obviously, brought me from Cameroon all the way to here. You never know where the basketball can take you. Just being here is amazing. It's a blessing and I have to thank God to be able to put me in this position.

Q. Can you talk about your excitement to go to New Orleans and what your experience was like tonight?

YVES MISSI: Oh, for sure. According to everyone, they have the best food in the U.S. I remember going on my visit, I really liked it. I can't wait to get to know them a little bit more and just spend time with them on the team and just get to work, for sure.

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