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June 26, 2024

Kel'el Ware

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. Can you talk about your experience tonight? What are your emotions of getting your name called?

KEL'EL WARE: It was a surreal feeling. I mean, especially just sitting in that chair waiting, just to figure out which team was going to get me. For them to pick me, a lot of emotions were just going through me. I'm definitely blessed.

Q. Just knowing how Miami has perceived their player development program, the work they put guys through, how do you feel about going there and how do you think you'll mesh with that?

KEL'EL WARE: All of them are hardworking. They push their players past their limits. I feel like that's the best place for me. Especially with me going there, I know they are going to push me past my limits, push me past that wall to be the best player that I can be and compete.

Q. You know your skill set, very unique. You can put the ball on the floor and shoot the three. When you see a player like Bam being able to do the same things, and them giving him freedom, what do you think it's going to be like for you with someone with your skill set and how you'll be able to build off that as well?

KEL'EL WARE: Well, like you said, they have their trust in Bam. So I feel like once they have trust with me, it comes with me showing them that in practice. I feel like that's something that would elevate my game, just having that trust in me that I go out and make the right plays.

Q. Just recently you transferred to Indiana. I know the transfer portal has been really big. What you can you say to kids about the transfer portal and how it helped you and what you learned at Indiana that helped you with your growth, as well?

KEL'EL WARE: A lot of people go into the transfer portal for money. I went in there for the right fit and I found the right fit. That definitely helped my career. Going into my sophomore season, actually getting to know the coaches. Just learning more things about the team just before I made the decision.

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