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June 26, 2024

Jared McCain

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. Jared, first of all, congratulations. Just wanted to ask about the process, when you have a lot of people dissecting your game, there's a lot of eyes on you. How did you handle that experience and was it different than what you had experienced in the past?

JARED McCAIN: Not really. I feel like my game is dissected very much so, whether it's being non-athletic, non-defender. So it's something I take as a challenge. I'm used to it by now, going to the biggest platform at Duke. You get used to it.

I'm just excited to embrace the challenge and embrace the process and have fun with it. It's a blessing to even be here.

Q. During all your career, you have been an excellent scorer, catch-and-shoot off the screen, and now you have the opportunity to play alongside one of the best big men in the league right now. Talk about the chemistry with Joel Embiid.

JARED McCAIN: Yeah, I'm just excited to learn from him, learn from both Maxey and him. Obviously they are elite scorers, so I think I can space the floor and create space for them. I'm excited to get to know them and learn as much as possible from them.

Q. I wanted to ask you about Maxey. He's an extremely hard worker and I know how hard you work, too. I know you two are probably going to be fighting to go to the gym together. Talk about that, playing with Maxey, being able to space the floor. And was it a surprise going to Philly? I feel like a lot of people had you going here and felt like this was a great fit. Was it a surprise to you as well, too?

JARED McCAIN: Yeah, I'm excited. Obviously Maxey, I've heard great things (about) him. Watching him on the court, he's an elite player. Being able to play alongside him and learn from him. On draft night, there's surprises everywhere. So I didn't know where I was going. I tried not to get attached to any teams. So yeah, I guess it is a surprise, but I'm happy to be here.

Q. Have you had any chance to connect with any of your new teammates yet?

JARED McCAIN: Not yet. I sent Maxey my number, and I got to talk to the GM, the coach. Not too much. But I'm excited to get to know them.

Q. Something you've talked about in your career is playing with joy, having joy. Another player who has expressed that is Tyrese Maxey. What do you think it is about playing with joy that sometimes goes overlooked and is important?

JARED McCAIN: Yeah, I think it's my natural emotion, is just to be happy, be joyful. So there's no reason to change that when I'm on the court. I'm always going to embrace the challenge, obviously, but I'm going to have fun with it. Whether I make a three, make a good play, the team is excited, the crowd is excited. I'm going to be smiling probably no matter what. So it's something I bring everywhere I go.

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