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June 26, 2024

Rob Dillingham

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. First off, the suit is crazy. Talk about hearing your name called, and then all the work that you put in. Also, playing with Ant. Everybody is excited. Social media is going crazy. What is your thought process? Have you worked out with Ant a few times in Atlanta, and how is that relationship between you two?

ROB DILLINGHAM: I'd say it's just a blessing, for real, to even be here because you work your whole life and you never know if you're going to make it. So when you finally get there, it's just a blessing.

Yeah, playing with Anthony Edwards and the whole Timberwolves. They were in the Western Conference Finals. So it's really just a blessing because I get to learn from a lot of players and veterans and players that are real good. Them helping me is just a plus for me.

I didn't really get to work out with them, but I used to see Ant at (Overtime Elite) a lot, for sure.

Q. The Timberwolves put a lot behind this trade with first-round picks and will cost them a lot with the tax. What does it mean to you that a team was willing to make that commitment?

ROB DILLINGHAM: It's a blessing, for real. It shows that they trust me and they obviously are trusting in me to develop. If they trust in me, that's all I needed. I feel that's all I needed from any team. Them showing me is even more of a blessing. I get to play with way better players and learn from them.

I'd say it's a blessing to even be here in this situation. I thank the Timberwolves, for sure.

Q. Other than playing with great players and grown men and the athleticism, what about the NBA play style excites you or challenges you?

ROB DILLINGHAM: I would say the open space on the floor. There's so much open floor, and I feel like I'm quick so I can get past dudes. It's really the fact of me getting past dudes and making decisions. You're playing with a bunch of NBA players, so players can't really help off super a lot because these are NBA players and they knock down shots.

I feel like, for me, getting past my defender and making plays for my teammates will be way easier, and then if they don't help, then it's just a bucket.

Q. Since high school, teams have been focusing on you defensively. How do you think it's going to change for you in having space and with a dangerous handle like you have? Do you think it's going to take some adjusting to being able to have so much freedom and not just teams always focusing you on a lot of the times, too?

ROB DILLINGHAM: I feel like it would be easier. Once I know the assignment and what my coach wants me to do, it's not really me adjusting. It's just me doing what he says. I feel like anything Coach tells me to do, I can adjust to and I can make it happen. So I feel like it's a good feel, for real.

Q. You spoke earlier this week about the relationship with Reed Sheppard coming out of Kentucky and you guys coming along. What's it like now that you're actually on the other side and you know, boom, both top-10 picks and both going to the league?

ROB DILLINGHAM: It's crazy. It just shows you a lot of things work in ways you never think because we came in and we were roommates and we were really in the same position. We didn't know if we were going to get past our first year. We were just playing basketball.

Me seeing Reed, my roommate, he's a great dude. He always pushed me and he always helped me. Me seeing him and we going together, it's just crazy to even see, and I'm thankful.

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