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June 26, 2024

Tristan da Silva

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. How well do you feel you fit in with the Orlando Magic, a team that obviously is on the rise in the Eastern Conference?

TRISTAN DA SILVA: I feel like I fit in great. I'm going to make sure that I get myself adjusted to whatever the team needs, whatever the players on that team need for us to be successful. With my high IQ and my versatility, I feel like there's a lot of different spots that I can fill and a lot of different needs I can address.

Q. Can you touch more on your versatility? You've been known for a lot of different things in college, passing, shooting, defense. What are those main intangibles that you bring to the table?

TRISTAN DA SILVA: Basketball IQ, for sure. Making the right reads. Making smart plays. Being in the right position. I feel like that's very underrated, being in the right position and reading your defender. That's a lot of my game where I get my advantages from.

I'm going to continue it do that, and I feel like that's going to help everybody else on the floor as well.

Q. One thing that sticks out to me is your efficiency. Has been there from the start all the way to the end of your college career. You shot 49 from the field and 39 from three. Talk about the efficiency level you've had. And Colorado has a chance to have three draft picks. Talk about that, a school that people probably didn't expect to that. Just talk about those two things.

TRISTAN DA SILVA: Right, to the efficiency point. I feel like that's huge for me, just because I like to play the right way. I feel like me playing the right way is me getting good shots, whether that's open shots or good layups at the rim. I feel like I'm just reading the game and adjusting to whatever the defense does. When I get a good look, it's more prone to go in than not.

And then to your other point, hopefully we'll make it three. That would be really historic. Yeah, Colorado is not looked at as a draft pick-producing university like these other programs are. But if you look at the history, there's a lot of really, really solid players that have stuck around a long time in the league. It's just a testament to what Coach Boyle and his coaching staff have done at Colorado.

Q. How well do you know the Wagner brothers and how excited are you to be their teammate?

TRISTAN DA SILVA: I'm excited to get to know them even more. We've got mutual friends. I've met them for the first time this past summer when my brother was playing on the national team and I went up there to Berlin to watch one of the games.

But great people. They know my brother more than they know me, but they have already reached out to me through mutual friends. They make it very comforting to come to Orlando.

Q. Your new head coach, Jamahl Mosley, went to Colorado as well. How excited are you to learn from him? Have you had a chance to talk with him?

TRISTAN DA SILVA: I talked with him earlier today, or tonight. I'm super excited, just learning from one of the great coaches. I feel like there's a lot that I can expand my game in, and I can't wait to learn even more. I feel like talking basketball and talking basketball IQ is one of my passions, as well, in the game. I'm just super excited to soak up all that knowledge and kind of grow.

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