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June 26, 2024

Ron Holland II

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. What does it mean to come out of the G League Ignite program, another pair of top first-round picks, and how do you feel they prepared you the most?

RON HOLLAND II: It means a lot coming from that program. Knowing that program just got shut down and I was the last bunch of that. Definitely taught me a lot on and off the court, really a lot of the things (about) life and (being) mentally healthy and just learning how the NBA operates.

On the court, this might be surprising to say, but all the losing that we did, I definitely learned a lot more than if we would have won a lot. I think that definitely prepared me a lot for the NBA because you're going to go through a lot of things with the NBA. It's going to be a lot of things that you need to be able to talk about or just have an outlet to and just being able to figure things out quickly just to move on to the next.

Q. What are you looking forward to the most about playing for the Pistons?

RON HOLLAND II: I'm looking forward to changing things around. I know they have a stigma on them when it comes to a lot of losing, and I feel like I'm a huge part to be able to start to change that around. I have a willingness to win and I feel like me going into this franchise, being able to help them out with this good group of guys, good group of young guys that they have, I'm definitely super excited to get down there and get to work.

Q. Whether you got drafted, all the G League fans were blowing up Twitter and Instagram and everything. What's your final message to the G League and all the fans that supported you with Ignite?

RON HOLLAND II: I appreciate all the love and support you've given me throughout the whole season, and I'm finally here and I wouldn't be here without y'all.

Like I said, I really appreciate all the love and support and all the competitive people in the G League. I appreciate y'all. It was a huge honor being able to play, going straight out of high school. I'm definitely blessed and honored to be in the situation I'm in.

Q. I'm originally from Michigan and there are a lot of people in Detroit who are excited to have you. What excites you about the city of Detroit?

RON HOLLAND II: What excites me is really the basketball portion of it, for sure. I heard you have a huge fan base when it comes to basketball, so that's definitely something I'm looking forward to getting into. I'm a huge community guy, so I definitely see myself getting into that community as well.

Q. What's one thing you want to do before you move to Detroit, a brand new city for you?

RON HOLLAND II: I would say just talk to everybody that has been with me throughout this whole process and really sit down and tell them how thankful I am for that. I've been through so much. Just being able to be here, blessed with this opportunity God has put me in. I'm super thankful for everyone who has been part of my journey.

Once I tell them that, everything will be said and done and I'll be on my way to Detroit, and get settled in and have a good one.

Q. Your Ignite teammate Matas went No. 11 to the Chicago Bulls. Your thoughts on him going to his hometown?

RON HOLLAND II: Super proud of Matas. Knowing the role we had to take up on Ignite and meeting him throughout high school and being able to play against him and with him in the Ignite season, first of all, I'm super proud of him just knowing and seeing the man that he is becoming. I'm really super excited to see where his NBA career goes and super excited to compete against him as well.

That's going to go a long way. That's going to be super exciting matchups here in the future soon. Like I said, I'm just super proud of him and I'm super excited for him.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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