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June 26, 2024

Devin Carter

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. What are you looking forward to most now that you're getting started with your NBA career?

DEVIN CARTER: Oh, man, just want to thank God first, first and foremost, just for putting me in this position. I was ready to get ready to work. Coming in day one, do all the dirty work we need to do to win. I think I'm a winning player. I'm a win-now type of player, being one of the older guys in the draft. Just having that experience from college, and like I said, just doing all the dirty work, rebounding, diving on the floor for loose balls and just anything we need to do to win.

Q. Sacramento has developed a pretty steady core the last couple years on the rise. How do you see yourself fitting in with that particular roster?

DEVIN CARTER: I would love to play alongside Malik Monk, De'Aaron Fox, I think we have a great big in Sabonis, probably one of best passers in the NBA from a big standpoint.

I'm just ready to be a two-way, versatile player. Get stops on one end, and I can also create some offense not only for myself but my teammates on the other end.

Q. Did you have any sense during the lead-up that it was the Kings? It was reported that you worked out for them.

DEVIN CARTER: Yeah, I did work out for the Kings. Honestly, one of my better workouts, I believe. I think we had a very fantastic meeting with everybody who made the decision to draft me. Just very thankful for that.

Me and Coach Brown talked, how we see myself fitting in on the team, and just coach/player talk. I think I got a good feel for Coach and he got a good feel for me. Just ready to start in journey.

Q. With your father having had an established NBA career, what does it mean to you to now take the next step in the family tradition?

DEVIN CARTER: It means everything. Just seeing his face whenever I got drafted, how happy he was, he didn't get a chance to get drafted. So just seeing his face and how excited he was for everything that we've been through, working out, countless hours throughout the night, morning. It's just a very special moment. Came up with handshake today and almost messed it up, but it's all right. We got it done.

Q. We spoke to Kim (English) a little bit in a scrum a little bit earlier. He said you invited him to this in February; you were confident.

DEVIN CARTER: Yeah, just me being confident, like I said, I know the type of player I am. I know what I bring to the court. I know I just wanted to give Kim the same promise he gave me when he first came to Providence, that he'll make me one of the better players in the conference. Just want to give him the same promise; I got a seat for you at the green room table.

Q. What is Sacramento getting in you as a player?

DEVIN CARTER: Just a mature, win-now, do-it-all type of player. Like I said, rebounding, dive on the floor, take charges, anything that is needed to do to win. Just very excited to play with some great players, and hopefully we can win a championship.

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