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June 26, 2024

Bub Carrington

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. Can you talk about what your experience was tonight and what your emotions were?

BUB CARRINGTON: I'm feeling about as good as you think I'd be feeling. It's a special feeling to finally be here and have my name called, and especially being so close to home. You know, that means a lot.

Q. Talk about being from the DMV area, I know your phone is blowing up and a lot of people are talking about you now. What does that mean to you, being at home and being able to play for the hometown team, too?

BUB CARRINGTON: It means a lot. Definitely because I would say when I was younger, I wasn't really like that in my area, and to now be sort of that guy that people want to see, especially being from the area and now (back) in the area. It means a lot to finally see all the stuff that I've done come to light.

Q. I know your cousin is Rudy Gay, a DMV legend. Have you spokeN to him since you've been drafted?

BUB CARRINGTON: I haven't even touched my phone yet.

Q. You'll speak to him later?

BUB CARRINGTON: Definitely. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he has texted me already.

Q. What do you think he'll say to you?

BUB CARRINGTON: Probably say he'll be at the first game, and "Don't suck." Something he would probably say to me.

Q. He's a Wizards fan now.

BUB CARRINGTON: For sure, yeah, he ain't got no choice.

Q. Wondering what you think might be the biggest adjustment to the league not in terms of only grown-man athleticism, speed, but maybe more X's and O's and play style sort of things?

BUB CARRINGTON: I would say the biggest adjustment would be how they game plan. It's real strategic for the league. I'm starting to see that working out for all these different teams. They have a real game plan and strategy going into every single game, and if you don't execute it, you can't play. I feel like that's something I'm going to have to get adjusted to.

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