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June 26, 2024

Nikola Topic

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. Now that you know you've gotten drafted and are set to join the Thunder, what's the most exciting to you about heading to that Oklahoma team?

NIKOLA TOPIC: Yeah, just excited to meet all the players and to speak to the coaches, to meet them, meet the front office. Just excited to go.

Q. Seeing their rise over the last couple years into a playoff contender, how do you see yourself fitting into the program?

NIKOLA TOPIC: Yeah, they are very incredible and talented. I'll try to fit in there. I'm young. I'll learn a lot probably. I'm really grateful for the opportunity.

Q. I know you're probably not working out for teams. Did you visit with the Thunder and what were your impressions from the visits?

NIKOLA TOPIC: I did not visit Oklahoma. Every organization that I've been to, I met some really nice people. That is with Oklahoma, also. Very, very nice coach. GMs, everybody, I'm just excited to meet them in person and talk to them. And yeah, that's it.

Q. I just want to ask about your experience playing for Red Star this season, who you grew up watching, and playing next to Milos Teodosic, who you mentioned you were also a fan of. What was your experience like this season?

NIKOLA TOPIC: Yeah, it was great. But I had injuries, so sadly, I didn't play more. But I tried to take my time and to be with them, to talk with them, even with the injury.

So yeah, I really enjoyed it there. I made some really good friends and friendships forever. But as I said, I'm sad that I didn't have that opportunity to play more with them.

Q. What is something you want Thunder fans to know about you and your game?

NIKOLA TOPIC: Just that I'm ready, that I'll give 150 percent of myself for every ball, every possession, every (time on) defense. And that's it.

Q. First question is I know you have a teammate, another Nikola, and he's in this draft process. How has it been having him? And being from a place called Mega that produces so much talent? And also, have you talked to (Vasilije) Micic at all? I know he's Serbian as well and he played for the Thunder as well. What were those conversations like with him?

NIKOLA TOPIC: Yeah, I talked with Micic. He just told me everything the best about not just the Thunder, but the whole NBA. And of course, Durisic, Nikola and I got really close this year. I really enjoyed playing with him. It was easy, as I can say. I hope he will get drafted as high as possible.

It meant a lot that I had him here. We were together in Miami. We shared some good memories at times. We visit some places. It's great to have him here.

Q. Do you have any firm grasp of your recovery timeline and how has that been going?

NIKOLA TOPIC: Not yet. I've been coming back slowly. But we'll talk tomorrow with the team and the team doctor and see what's the best for me, and we'll do that.

Q. Got to ask you about the name Nikola. You have Nikola Jokic, Nikola Djurisic, a whole bunch of the Nikolas coming into the NBA, Jovic. Is that a coincidence that that name is so popular and in the NBA, or what do you think about it?

NIKOLA TOPIC: Nikola is one of the most popular names in Serbia. So yeah, maybe. There's a lot of Nikolas, for sure.

Q. A lot of Thunder fans don't know much about you. Off the basketball court, what are some things that you like to do, hobbies? What's one interesting fact about you?

NIKOLA TOPIC: That I'm really funny person. That I want to spend time with my friends. At home with my family, we have movie nights. We enjoy watching movies and TV series.

Q. Jalen Williams in the crowd. What was your interaction with him like being now teammates?

NIKOLA TOPIC: He just told me, "Welcome, teammate." That means a lot for me because he accepted me. He stood up to shake my hand. It's really great to have him there. He's coming into the third year, and he's done a really good job the past two. And not just him, the players and the whole organization. I think we can do more.

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