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June 26, 2024

Matas Buzelis

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. Talk about the silver lining on the night when you dropped unexpectedly, of all places, Chicago is probably the best place to drop to. How are you feeling?

MATAS BUZELIS: Feeling good. Super blessed. I'm ready to work. I'm going to give the Bulls organization everything I've got.

Q. You want to talk about your excitement of tonight?

MATAS BUZELIS: Super excited, man. I mean, this is a dream come true. I've been thinking about this since a young age. It means the world to me.

Q. So last year in Vegas, during an interview with Tencent China, you were asked about your fashion sense. Do you think you will be leading trends as a rookie in your upcoming season?

MATAS BUZELIS: I'll dress well, but I'm worried about basketball. I'm not really worried about that. I want to win.

Q. How do you see yourself, if it's all about the basketball, fitting in with the Chicago roster as they develop?

MATAS BUZELIS: Chicago is a winning program and I want to win. So being there, I can embrace it. I fit many different ways on the team. I feel like I can do everything on the court. Whatever Coach asks me to do, I'm going to do to the best of my abilities and I'm going to work hard.

Q. Any last things you want to do personally or professionally before you move to Chicago and join your new team?

MATAS BUZELIS: See my family. That's it.

Q. With the G League producing several first-round picks, how do you see yourself fitting in with that group and tradition that they have established as the program finishes up?

MATAS BUZELIS: The program did an amazing job, even when they had the shutdown. Look at all the picks that they had. Everyone is good. All the coaches are amazing. They did a great job with everyone that they produced. I can't thank them enough, honestly. I would do it ten times over again.

Q. How do you feel it improved your game?

MATAS BUZELIS: How do I feel it improved my game? Being around NBA coaches, veterans, just being in the NBA atmosphere, playing NBA rules and all that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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