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June 26, 2024

Reed Sheppard

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. How did it feel when you heard your name called?

REED SHEPPARD: It was unbelievable. It was a dream come true. It's something that I've been dreaming of since I've been a little kid. Having my family with me at the table, my coach, my agent, having my family in the crowd, I couldn't ask for anything else. It was my mom's birthday today, so that's an awesome thing to celebrate as well.

I'm at a loss for words. I'm super happy to be here and super thankful.

Q. I saw you in Queens yesterday. The Mets gave that you nice City Connect jersey. Is that going to make you a Mets fan, or were you a Reds fan growing up in Kentucky?

REED SHEPPARD: I never had a baseball team because there was no baseball team close to Kentucky, but I think I'm going to be an Astros fan now.

Q. How special is it going to be playing alongside Houston guys, these new talents like Jalen Green and all these guys?

REED SHEPPARD: I'm super excited. They have a really good thing going in Houston. The coach is really good. Like you said, Jalen. They have a bunch of really young, athletic guys, and we'll be able to play fast. It's going to be fun.

I'm super excited to get out there and learn and take it all in, so I can't wait.

Q. How do you plan to prepare during the offseason for going from Kentucky to NBA style of play?

REED SHEPPARD: Yeah, I think the biggest thing is just going in and learning. You have guys like Fred VanVleet that I'll be able to learn from. Just going in with an open mind, ready to learn, ready to do whatever it takes to win. Just compete and go in and have fun and continue to get in the gym and work on everything that I need to work on.

I'm super excited. I can't wait to get to Houston and get the thing started.

Q. You were with your agent when the Houston Rockets called your name. Did your agent go, No state income tax? Was that a factor? That is a big advantage.

REED SHEPPARD: He didn't say that, but now that you say that, that is pretty good that that's a thing.

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