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June 26, 2024

Tidjane Salaün

Brooklyn, New York, USA

Q. You've talked about your sister, Janelle, being a big influence for why you got into basketball originally. With you guys continuing to reach new heights in your career, you being drafted into the NBA and she's on track to represent France in the Olympics this summer. How do you guys keep motivating each other? Is there any competition between you, any friendly competition? And as you continue to be successful basketball players, do you continue to push each other every day?

TIDJANE SALAÃœN: Yes, we want the best version possible. I would say it's natural. We are like that. We work hard. We have a lot of energy. We want to be the best. For sure, we are going to continue to be like that.

Q. Talk about the French influence in this draft, 1, 2 and yourself. What kind of statement is France basketball making right now?

TIDJANE SALAÃœN: I think the basketball in France has improved, and that's why we are here in this draft. Three French players in the top 10, it's not nothing.

Q. And how well do you know the other two guys?

TIDJANE SALAÃœN: I know Zaccharie because I've played against him since I was 15. He played against me when I was at Cholet and him at ASVEL. Alex, I don't really know him.

Q. Charlotte is a big move for you. What's on your goodbye tour, places, people, before you take off and join your new team?

TIDJANE SALAÃœN: I'm going to share a lot of moments with my family, with my friends, and after, we will see. I don't really know what I'm going to do.

Q. How much do you know about this Charlotte team and how do you see yourself fitting in with the roster, LaMelo Ball, Brandon Miller, all this young talent?

TIDJANE SALAÃœN: I know a lot of French players have (played with) this team in Charlotte. I'm the next one. I will bring all my fire to the club and be ready to play with some players, like you say, LaMelo Ball. Some alley-oops, yeah. I'm ready to jump and put the ball in the rim.

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