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June 25, 2024

Charley Hull

Georgia Hall

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: I'm here in the media center at the Dow Championship with Charley Hull and Georgia Hall. Looking forward to a great week to see the two of you out there. Talk a little bit about what you're looking forward to most playing together and how this partnership kind of maybe came about.

CHARLEY HULL: So we've been best friends since we were like 11 years old. How many years is that? 17. Sorry, I'm not very good at math. But yeah, we always used to play England Golf together. We were always partners together in golf. We've shared together, done everything together. We used to practice together when we were younger. We kind of know each other's games inside out. Yeah, it's perfect.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, about didn't really even come about. It was just a no-brainer. We didn't even consider anyone else.

CHARLEY HULL: I was more like, George, you're playing with me.

GEORGIA HALL: I was like, all right, Charles. We live three minutes away from each other now, and there's not a day that goes by we don't speak. Like Charley said, we're there for each other every day, and just really lucky to be best mates but also have the same career and similar paths.

We just love being out there together. We're obviously really excited for this week.

Q. It sounds like you'll have a lot of fun out there. But talking a little bit about the golf, have you talked about the strategy with two different formats and how you'll approach it based on your games?

CHARLEY HULL: No, not really.

GEORGIA HALL: We have very similar personalities where we're like, just hit it and it won't really matter what the strategy is, as long as we hit a good shot.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, as long as you give it your best, George, I don't care if she puts me behind a tree. I just have to get out of trouble, or vice versa.

GEORGIA HALL: But yeah, obviously Charley hasn't played this course. I did last year. I'm sure we'll have a quick few-minute chat on Wednesday night.


Q. It just came out, too, that you'll both be on the Olympics team. Very exciting and congratulations for that. What are you guys looking forward to most about being in Paris together?

CHARLEY HULL: Just spending time with George because we love playing golf together. We share together, we go to the gym together. We eat food together. We get our nails done together. Obviously that week is going to be a bit of a busy week, but it's just nice to share it with your best friend special in a moment like that.

Q. What are you looking forward to most about being at the Olympics. Anything you're both looking forward to?

CHARLEY HULL: I'm really excited to be in Paris because I've actually only ever been to Paris once.

GEORGIA HALL: I've never been.

CHARLEY HULL: Ah, you get to share the experience with me the first time. But honestly, I actually really want to go in Paris one day.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, let's go shopping.

CHARLEY HULL: I'm not really into watching other sports, to be fair, apart from boxing, but we can do something like that.

GEORGIA HALL: I would like to watch the gymnastics. But it's okay, you don't have to come.

CHARLEY HULL: You'll go to gymnastics and I'll go to boxing, and we'll have to go to each other's one.

Q. I feel like you guys could have a podcast up here right now.

GEORGIA HALL: Honestly, you haven't heard anything yet.

CHARLEY HULL: Oh, if you knew what it was like behind the scenes.

Q. Talk a little bit about the banter that we might see between the two of you out there this week.

CHARLEY HULL: Well, I think we just always throw each other banter. Even if we have the worst moments we're always laughing. I woke George up this morning with a naked dance, didn't I, literally just to get the day going. But she's my best friend.

GEORGIA HALL: We've seen it all before. It's fine.

CHARLEY HULL: We have so much fun on the golf course, but I feel like, as well, we know each other's games. We know how to pull each other up when we are down and vice versa.

GEORGIA HALL: I know when Charley is upset before she does, and she's the same with me. She'll be like, What's wrong, and I'll be like, Nothing. There is, and I'll tell her a few days later. We know each other really well, and I think that's so important. This type of an event we go out there and just have fun.

Q. Would you claim to know each other more than most teams out here?

CHARLEY HULL: 100 percent. George knows me better than I know myself.

GEORGIA HALL: Yep, same.

Q. Have you both decided on a team name or walk-up song?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, so basically it's called the Rose and Thorn because last year our good friend Ryan Evans, Georgia goes to him, Describe me and Charley, and Ryan goes, Georgia, you're like the lovely English rose, and Charley, you're like the thorn. I'm like, Oh, thanks, Ryan.

GEORGIA HALL: It was kind of stark. Yeah, but there's lots of thorns around the rose so you protect me, don't you.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I protect her.

Q. What was the walk-up song?

GEORGIA HALL: You're my best friend.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, that song. Cardi B, isn't it?

GEORGIA HALL: No, Saweetie.

CHARLEY HULL: "She my best friend. She a real bad bitch."

GEORGIA HALL: Sorry. But it's part of the song.

CHARLEY HULL: Anyhow, that's our song. It's going to be a fun week. My caddie, Adam, we all get on really well. He's got the banter with Joe, as well. Joe used to caddie for me for a year, as well, and I've known him since I was a kid, as well. It's going to be just fun out there. It'll just be like a walk in the park at home when we're playing back in Surrey.

Q. Your caddies, will they get along and gel well with you?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I think they're very different people, our caddies.

CHARLEY HULL: They're both chatty. Joe would literally have a conversation with a tree.

GEORGIA HALL: Joe would have a conversation with a tree, and he gets on with us so well, and obviously I've known Adam for a very long time because he's caddied for Charley for --

CHARLEY HULL: But the way I can describe it is Ads is like the big brother, just laughing all the time, and Joe is like the dad, like the therapist on the golf course. But no, it's great. I think we've got a good team. It's going to be a fun week. Hopefully the weather stays good and we hole some putts. Most importantly go out there and have some fun.

GEORGIA HALL: 100 percent, yeah.

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