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June 23, 2024

Miyu Yamashita

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Looks like or is a Top 2 finish here at a major championship. How happy with your play and result this week?

MIYU YAMASHITA: I had fun today playing with Amy who won the championship. I'm so happy that I could play in the last day, the last group, and then seeing Amy winning the tournament it made me work even more harder.

Q. Playing so well in an LPGA Tour major, does it make you think about wanting to play on the LPGA Tour or wanting to be in more events like this going forward?

MIYU YAMASHITA: So I got confident playing in this position this week, but I also had -- I also found my weak points too so I'm going to work on that and then, yeah, just keep trying harder.

Q. I think with this finish you will probably qualify to represent Japan in the Olympics. How excited does that make and you what are you looking forward to about playing in the Olympics if the rankings shake out that way?

MIYU YAMASHITA: Is it for sure?

Q. It's not for sure. I'm 90% sure.

MIYU YAMASHITA: I'm happy that I could finish in the second place in this championship, and then I'm just going to try my best to representing Japan if I play Olympics.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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