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June 23, 2024

Minjee Lee

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Kind of the challenges of the week, lessons.

MINJEE LEE: This golf course is as hard as I remember it. I felt like I didn't hit it all too bad, but had a few loose shots here and there to make bogeys.

Yeah, hopefully I can sharpen that up and get ready for Evian.

Q. What comes next, Evian?


Q. Olympics?

MINJEE LEE: Olympics.

Q. You and your brother.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, so both of us will be there. It's kind of nice because I might be watching him maybe on the weekend if I go in in a little bit earlier.

So it will just be pretty exciting to represent our country out at the Olympics and it's always such a great honor to be able to do that. Yeah, really looking forward to it.

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