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June 23, 2024

Lauren Hartlage

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Just evaluate your week overall. Been such a big week for you out here.

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, I had so much fun. Being in the last group in a major is something I've dreamed of, and even though I didn't play as well as I would've hoped to today, it was a great learning experience and I just had so much fun out there.

Can't wait to come back.

Q. Birdie on 17; how good did that one feel coming down the stretch?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, felt good. I had a couple tough holes in the middle there and just kind of getting a good putt to finish really helped kind of lighten the mood a little bit, and, yeah, have some fun.

Q. What does this week do for you? Top 5, T5 at a major championship is such an accomplishment. For you, what does it do?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, it's a really big accomplishment. It's my best finish on tour and in a major, so really good for your confidence. And kind of getting that momentum of bringing it into the rest of the year will help. Now I have some more starts for some of the other major tournaments, so it'll be good.

Q. What did you learn about yourself this week?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, I learned that even though I'm uncomfortable I can still play good golf. Because it's hard when you're out there. There is a lot of stress, a lot of emotions. I'm just proud of the way I handled those all week.

Q. Standing by about 400, 500 people right now and you signed autographs for about half of them. How cool is it to have all these new fans, new people shouting your name asking for your signature?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Yeah, it's really cool to see all the support. Just having all the fans out here this week has been great to see, and all the people have been so nice and cheering on all of us which has been really awesome.

Q. What's next for you?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Heading to Dow tomorrow. Flying out at 6:00 a.m.

But it'll be fun. The team event is so much fun. I can't wait to play with Maddie. We're going to have so much fun.

Q. What's the connection between and you Szeryk?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: I think we just played together in Q-School like a few years ago, and we just bonded and been really good friends ever since. Since we played together last year and had so much fun, had to do it again this year.

Q. Got a team name yet?

LAUREN HARTLAGE: Not yet. Stay tuned.

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