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June 23, 2024

Scottie Scheffler

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Quick Quotes

Q. First player since Arnold Palmer in 1962 to win six times before the month of July. We talked about it earlier this week. Since 7 years old, this is all you've wanted to do. What's it like to now being alongside the greats of this game?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, it's pretty special. It's been a great season. I've been fortunate to come away with some wins and it's been a lot of fun. Tom played his heart out today. He's a great player, a great champion. It was fun battling him today.

Q. You lead the PGA TOUR in bounce-back percentage, and I think mentally had a bounce back after what happened on that 72nd hole. How did you settle yourself back in?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I think fortunately for Tom and me, we were both out there, we're great friends, and so we were able to sit there and kind of relax each other before, because you don't really know what's going on, you don't really understand the situation, you don't really -- there's people running around everywhere and you don't really know what's going to happen.

So it was a bit confusing. Fortunately, the police did a great job of getting everything in order very quickly. I don't know how quick it was, but it seemed really fast to us. So we're very thankful for them.

Q. They did an incredible job and of course it wasn't that long ago we were interviewing you with your first win with your son, Bennett, and your wife, Meredith, back here. I know you and the Burns, you guys were sharing a house all week. What has it been like to get adjusted to being on daddy duty at night and coming out and being the No. 1 golfer in the world during the day?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I would say the afternoons when we get home look a little different. There's much less sitting around watching TV. It's sitting around trying to figure out what's going on with little ones. But it's been a ton of fun. Fortunate, to be surrounded with great friends out here.

Q. How was it out there for you?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: It was a fight. I felt like I did a lot of good things. The putts were hanging right around the edge. I felt like I hit a lot of good putts today, especially on the back nine. Man, it was tough watching each one roll by the edge, but I kept fighting and stayed in it.

Q. Four signature wins, a PLAYERS championship, the Masters. You're going to travel across the pond, maybe another major, maybe a gold medal?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, so two events left for me before the playoffs. I'm going to go play The Open Championship and then the Olympics, and so three weeks overseas and looking forward to the challenge.

Q. Six wins before July 1st in just this season. The last person to do that was Arnold Palmer in 1962. Take us through how you were able to battle out there for a tight leaderboard?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, yeah it was a tight leaderboard out there. Akshay was playing some really good golf there. I think standing on 13 tee, we were all tied and I kind of told myself, I felt like if I birdied three of the last six it would be a playoff at worst, and so that kind of got me to a different frame of thinking, because I really felt like I hit a lot of good shots and I hadn't really made as many birdies as I hoped to during the day and I felt like I was playing really well, so if I stayed patient and continued to do what I was doing I was able to make some birdies, which I was able to do.

Q. You started out the week, celebrated your birthday with Tom Kim this week, and end up battling in a playoff on the last hole. How much fun was it to battle out with a buddy?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: It was fun. We play a lot of golf at home and play a lot of golf out here too. He's one of my good buddies. It's always fun competing against your friends, but it's also really tough. I feel for him there in the playoff, but I told him he's a great player and a great champion and I'm proud of him and the putt on 18 was pretty sweet and I'm sure that's something that he'll remember for a long time.

Q. You've adapted to the dad life quite quickly. Six weeks ago you had your son and now two wins on the PGA TOUR. You were changing diapers during the rain delay. How special is it to get this win as a dad and for the family?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I did do a couple of diaper changes during the rain delay, but it was nice, usually you just sit there and play on your phone or do nothing during the rain delays and it can kind of be a waste of time. But yesterday we were in there for a few hours and just got to be hang out with our babies and hang out -- Tom came in and held my son for a bit and we just had fun. I'm fortunate to be surrounded by great friends out here and we have a good time.

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