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June 23, 2024

Amy Yang

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Amy, you're drowning in champagne. I know you love this feeling. This is your 75th major. You've come so close before. Now you get it done. What was different this week?

AMY YANG: I was -- sorry, I've lost the words right now. It's all the hard work our team did together, and I'm so grateful for that. All four rounds it was tough out there, but I just trusted what I prepared and just I did my best all week, yeah.

Q. What does this mean to you, this win at this point in your career?

AMY YANG: I always want to win a major and I came close several types, and I started doubting myself if I ever going to win a major before I retire because I've been or tour quite a while. I am so grateful and very, very like happy to win a major.

Q. Congratulations on being a major champion. You fully deserve it with your performance this week.

AMY YANG: Thank you.

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