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June 23, 2024

Lexi Thompson

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

LEXI THOMPSON: ...probably relaxed me. It's a team format, which I absolutely love as part of golf. Don't get to do it very often. Just going to build on it. I have a few weeks off after that week, so continue to work on what I am now and hopefully keep on improving.

Q. What clicked on for you out there?

LEXI THOMPSON: The magic question. I don't know what clicked off in the front nine. That's the better question. Yeah, it was just tale of two nines.

I hit a great shot on 9 and really just tried to stay positive with my caddie, Mark. He was just drilling in the positive comments even being 8-over through 8, which it's pretty hard to find the positive. He was trying. God bless him.

But it's what I need. I mean, yeah, it was a tough first eight holes. Just never gave up, and just helps me with my confidence and just finding that few things, few extra birdies and finding a little click.

Q. Is this just a golf course where if you're a little bit off it just takes full advantage and there is no escaping? How do you explain the start?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, that's a good way. That's a good way of saying it. Yeah, you can barely miss a shot. Even you can hit it in the fairway and be blocked by trees. It's very penalizing, but it requires super accurate shots. Not much curvature on your shots either, except a few if you get blocked, of course.

Yeah, it is just a difficult golf course. You just have to kind of pitch out if you get in trouble and take your bogey and run.

Q. Do you remember having a round like this?

LEXI THOMPSON: Not this bad. I think my other one might have been against Anna in Solheim where I was like 5-over or something through 9, then I shot six or seven on the back. I don't know what it is.

Q. What was your best birdie on the back?

LEXI THOMPSON: Best birdie on the back, based on the cheers, 18. (Laughter.)

Yeah, nobody was on the one that I putted out of the rough and it went in.

Q. Okay. Where was that?

LEXI THOMPSON: 15 I believe. Yeah. But 18 I just had the putt. I'm like, all right, God, this is in your hands. I'm not going to think about my stroke. I know you got me.

He did and it was a chilling feeling.

Q. Amy is looking at four rounds under par here this week. With as tough as it's played and the wind up today, how impressive is that performance?

AMY YANG: So impressive. Words can't describe how great that is out here, especially with the winds today.

They might not have -- they tucked a few pins, but they were more reasonable probably today. Still, I mean, she's playing amazing golf. So many players have. I mean, anybody that was under par or around even, it's a tough golf course, you kind of take even par and you're happy and you run.

But she's played some great golf. Everybody knows how talented she is.

Q. What's your schedule after Dow?

LEXI THOMPSON: I have two weeks off and then Dana and Canadian.

Q. Are you playing the British?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yes. Sorry. Forgot about that one.

Q. Big picture, how do you think about this weekend? How satisfied or, I mean, there is probably some frustration in there, but a lot of -- what's that breakdown of emotions?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I think the positives are outweighing the negatives of today, of course, just because of how I came back and how I fought and never gave up.

Really just going to build on that. I played great golf last week and brought that into this week and hitting some really solid golf shots again, which is what I've been working on and what I've been just practicing my butt off.

Rolling it good, so just going to continue to work hard and continue to build on it.

Q. Was it a fun week?

LEXI THOMPSON: It was. It was fun with the fans. The golf, it was overall an amazing week. Hospitality, we were treated so well. The golf course is in great shape.

It was just mentally draining just because it's a tough golf course. That's always a major week. You don't go out and be like it's a free for all and you can hit it anywhere. That's why it's a major.

Q. How good of a venue is this for a major for you guys?

LEXI THOMPSON: It's a great venue. It's just super different. That's what we expect every time we step up to a major championship golf course.

But it's fair. You know, just requires super accurate golf shots off the tee. Could be penalized in the fairway but that's how it is. Maybe they'll trim some of the trees. I think they grew since the last time.

Q. They've taken a few out. They have.

LEXI THOMPSON: They have. Where? I might have taken a few out with my shot. (Laughter.)

Q. Used to be one in front of that bunker right in front of 11 green. It's gone now. I think there used to be one on the left side of 12. If you go back and watch Brooke's eagle there was a big tree that blocked...

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I've seen that.

Q. Overall, solid week out here.

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, definitely was. Wasn't the start that I wanted coming into today, but just happy I stayed in it out there and got it to turn around.

I definitely didn't think 6-under was possible in ten holes out there, but anything is possible with golf, good or bad.

Q. For you, doing that, that is just such an impressive turnaround. What confidence is that giving you?

LEXI THOMPSON: Gives me a lot of confidence. You know, no matter how bad I'm playing, in my head I'm never giving up. It's something that I've lived by my whole life. Even though I say that I don't care, it's drilling in my mind, I have to hit a good shot. Something could click, I could make that putt, and then it all just starts clicking.

So good or bad, there are so many positives to take from in week, and definitely the bounceback.

Q. What moment was that for you where you were like I'm going to get this shot back, I am going to make this putt? Was there a moment that kick started that stretch?

LEXI THOMPSON: It's hard to say. Of course I hit a good shot on 9 to the tucked pin. There are so many hard holes out here. It's not like you get up to them and you're like, all right, I'm going to birdie them. I'm like, all right, I'm going to par them.

That's kind of your motto out here because they're so difficult.

Yeah, I just started rolling a few good shots and tried to build on that for that nine.

Q. Obviously playing with Brooke next week. What else are you really looking forward to in taking this and building on it?

LEXI THOMPSON: I'm really looking forward to next week. It's always fun. I love Brooke. She's so nice and I think we make a good team.

Definitely looking forward to a more probably relaxed week and more team format, which I absolutely love as part of golf, because we don't get to do it very often.

But just going to build on it. I have a few weeks off after that week, so going to continue to work on what I am now and hopefully keep on improving.

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