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June 22, 2024

Caroline Inglis

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: All right, here with Caroline Inglis after her third round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship.

Just talk about the day, especially that eagle you had on 11.

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, the eagle was cool. I mean, they moved up I think -- how many par-5s -- most of the par-5s today, which was fun.

I hit a good drive down there. I think I had 117 to the front. Hit 5-wood on the front of the green and made the putt. That's always a nice bonus for that to go in.

Yeah, it was a good solid -- kind of like a roller coaster ride today, but it is what it is. We'll figure it out and come back tomorrow.

Q. Your shot out of the bunker on 7. How close would a good shot have been on that hole?


Q. Yeah. From the first part of the bunker.

CAROLINE INGLIS: Probably like ten feet. Yeah, it was a tough shot.

Q. What went through your mind when it went in?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Sweet. Bonus. Birdie. Great. Yeah, we were talking. I was like kind of just like chunk and run, get it running up there out to the right.

And maybe just -- I don't know. I wasn't trying to do that but it just happened.

Q. I know nobody wants bogey, but your two bogeys today, those could've -- you know, you were in a bad spot on 8.

CAROLINE INGLIS: That's what I mean by rollercoaster round. It was either feast or famine.

Q. You probably feel pretty good out of both bogeys walking away with a bogey, right?


Q. Where you were the first three shots on...

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, I saw the entire hole on No. 8, so I've seen enough there. Ready to hit the fairway tomorrow.

It was a great chip to save bogey on 8. I think that's the major championship mindset. You have to just try and like avoid the doubles and just grind every shot out that you can.

But those were -- I was happy with those bogeys that I made today.

Q. Playing a home state major is a different opportunity, right? How do you approach the week and are you pretty happy how you handled it?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, I think I kind of approached it same as every other week. I know that sounds cliche, but it is. I'm doing five in a row, so took Monday off and just hung out with my husband because I hadn't seen him in a while. Came and played nine Tuesday, nine Wednesday.

But it's great. It's fun to have family and play a golf course pretty similar to what I play at home.

Q. How far are you from home being here?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Probably like two and a half hours, three maybe. Yeah. I flew into Portland after Grand Rapids, spent the night at home, and my husband and I drove up Monday.

So, not too far.

Q. Are you very familiar with Sahalee?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I have -- we played it in college. So I played at Oregon and U-Dub hosted an event here. I think we played it one year, maybe two years. So decently, but that was so long ago. I mean, over ten years.

I made an hole-in-one in No. 5 this at that tournament in the practice round, yeah.

Q. You were Top 5 as a sophomore at that event.


Q. You haven't been in this position. I mean, your best is tied for tenth. What it mean to be in a spot in a major to be in the top 10 going into the final round? What opportunities is this for you tomorrow?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I mean, it's obviously why I play and it's the position that I want to be in, so I think just doing the same thing that I've been doing. Not trying to get fancy or do anything special. This is like why you play golf, is to be in positions like this and go out and try and win it.

Q. Did you see this coming?


Q. Why? Because you've been playing better?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Just I think that's a funny question that you ask that. Every professional golfer comes to a major championship to win. I'm no different. To play my best.

I work hard and that's just like eventually I see that happening for me.

Q. You seem really unbothered by the big moment. Some players might more bothered. What makes you so comfortable and confident in a spot like this?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I don't know. It's just golf. Like obviously it means a lot and I would love to win, but it's just golf. You can't control so many things so I'm just trying to control the things I can control.

Q. What would a top finish you for do, just anywhere near the top of the leaderboard do for you as you look ahead to the second half of the year?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I haven't really let myself look ahead. I've been trying to stay like really in the moment. It would be great obviously. You know, the better you play the more opportunities you have on this tour, so it would mean a lot. A lot of new opportunities I think.

Q. You had a 43 holes to make U.S. Open qualifying out here in Seattle. Did that help you? How did that help your game to go through that and qualify for the U.S. Open out here?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, I think I played solid those 36 holes. Always like a good confidence boost. Yeah, it's great. Qualifying for U.S. Open is really hard, so I was super happy to do that. It was great to play in another U.S. Open.

Q. And to finish before dark.

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, yeah. Seven playoff holes.

Q. How many friends and family do you have out here this week?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Mostly family. My husband, my mom, my aunts, my husband's family, they're all here. My brother can't make it because he's -- well, he's a teaching pro at a course in Eugene. I think their member guest is this weekend and he's like, I'm so sorry. I'm like, I get it. It's the PGA thing. That's their major championship.

But, yeah, it's cool to have a lot of family out.

Q. I'm sure they'll be watching you in the clubhouse.

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, exactly.

Q. What's the best part of your game this week?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Just consistency I think. Minus a few drives out there today. But just trying to, you know, conservative targets, decisive swings, hit the center of the green, let it happen.

Q. It's a big purse this week. What would a big check mean to you?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Be great. I don't know. I don't really think about like it like that. I haven't really...

Q. Would it be life changing?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I guess. I don't know what the winning check is. I don't think it really changes -- yes and no.

Q. Between Columbia Edgewater being your home, the Open qualifying at Rainier out here, does playing a course like this kind of feel like home knowing the Northwest like you do?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, I mean, the grass is really similar. This course is really narrow though; kind of different. Like I play at Columbia Edgewater. Obviously we have an LPGA event there. This course is -- especially like being a major, it's kind of just like that but elevated.

So, yeah, I think I feel a level of comfort out here. But I still think you have to like really stay focused and not fall asleep on any shot on this course especially.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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