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June 22, 2024

Sarah Schmelzel

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Sarah Schmelzel. Tough day. Hey, it's going to happen. How do you manage to stay patient with yourself out there?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: I just -- I hit it pretty well overall honestly. I hit it overall pretty well. Gave myself a lot of opportunities just on the green in general.

Really didn't putt as well as I wanted to, but happy that I hit it well enough on Saturday in a major, and hopefully just clean up some speed stuff on the greens before tomorrow and take it into tomorrow.

Q. Kept it on the tracks. Finished with a strong birdie there on the last. What does that do for your momentum heading into the last round?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, just good to get a shot back before the end of the day, you know, or at the end of the day.

Just take those two good putts into tomorrow and try and do more of that.

Q. I think you said clean up some speed stuff. How do you carry what you did the first two rounds and apply that to the final round?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, I think it just heightened the confidence, just knowing that if I stay committed I can hit really good shots and I can make putts.

So just try to piggyback off how committed I was first two days and take that into the rest of the weekend.

Q. How much are you enjoying this moment? This is really cool to watch you play so well.

SARAH SCHMELZEL: No, it's really awesome. Obviously first time experiencing this, being in the lead group at a major.

Felt like even though I shot 2-over, kind of held my own for the most part. Still in the Top 5 and still have a chance at it tomorrow.

So I'm proud of that. And just trying to soak it in and realize that it was a big moment and somewhat of a milestone in my career to get to this point, so just trying to be very grateful for all of it.

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