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June 22, 2024

Cameron Young

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Quick Quotes

Q. When did you kind of allow yourself to start thinking about a sub-60 round?

CAMERON YOUNG: I did a little bit kind of like 10, 11, 12. Not necessarily sub 60, but just like really good. Then didn't really think much about it until the putt went in on 15.

Then I hit two really good putts on 16 and 17.

And then obviously 18 as well.

I didn't think about it too much kind of the middle that have back nine, just because it didn't really feel all of a sudden like everything was going in after kind of 10, 11, 12. Yeah, then it kind of, all of a sudden, I had a putt for 59 on 18 which was a blast.

Q. How bad was that line on 18 on that second shot?

CAMERON YOUNG: Yeah, it wasn't great. I had one just like that on 16 I think yesterday, except for my foot was in the bunker. Basically the same yardage. So I kind of had some idea that I could get it to like that 100-issue number, which was just short of the green and kind of had to just be okay with that. I feel like if I tried to get much more out of it who knows where on the face I would have hit it. So it was really just trying to get it around the front edge and give myself a chance there.

Q. When you were standing on 18 tee did you feel like you had to make an 8- or 9-footer there to shoot 59?

CAMERON YOUNG: No, especially not after the strike off the tee, I felt like I made a really nice swing and I thought the wind was maybe just going to hold it up at some point or it might just cover the bunker. If it flies another foot it probably kicks down there in the fairway and I've got 80 yards, which would have been a lot more fun. But, yeah, it's just one of those, it's an awkward spot. Yeah, I would have preferred not to have to make a 10-footer, but I did and thankfully it went in.

Q. What does this mean to you to have a historic round like this for confidence?

CAMERON YOUNG: The last two days have been great. I played some really nice golf. I think like in terms of lifetime achievement there's definitely some things that go before it for me. It's one day, it's one day that you shot a million under. It's very cool and I'm thankful that my name is on that very short list, but there's whole tournaments that I've played that I'm probably, that I probably would still put above it.

Q. What's going through your mind when you're approaching the green, getting the ovation, knowing you had a chance to do something that not very many have done, what were you thinking, what were your thoughts at that point?

CAMERON YOUNG: I was really just trying to figure out what I wanted to do with that pitch. I've been chipping really, really well the last couple weeks. That was one that I was really felt pretty good over and I just it came out a touch slow, I just mishit it. So I was really just trying to hit that pitch with good speed like I've been doing and unfortunately can came up a little short. But what happened happened and made 4, so.

Q. When you got to the course today did you have any kind of an inkling that it would be a special day?

CAMERON YOUNG: No. Nope. Woke up, would have preferred to go back to sleep. Did exactly what I do every day coming to the golf course, get a coffee, ate, saw the physio, and went out there, warmed up. Didn't feel particularly awesome. I chunked a few less on the range than I did yesterday. Then, yeah, came out and just was very comfortable and things just started coming down close to the hole.

Q. How much does sort of, of, like, how much of your life outside the ropes has changed over the last five, six years, put a lot of this in prospective. You're talking about shooting a 59, but there are a lot of things that it seems like that are more important these days. Does that make it easier to not get swept up in something like this?

CAMERON YOUNG: Yeah, I mean, I think it's easier and more difficult on certain days and in certain scenarios. Obviously five, years ago I was not married and I didn't have any children. Now I'm married and I have three children. So, I think there are far more important things to me than what I do on the golf course, and at the same time I also provide for my family with how I do on the golf course. So there's kind of a balance there that you have to be okay with, and there's days that are easier than others with that, leaving to come play, and if you're not doing well sometimes that can feel pretty bad. Yeah, I mean generally thankful to do what I do, and there are more important things to me. So, a great day, but as long as everybody's not crying at home, I'm okay out here.

Q. How was playing with Jordan as far as the cadence and rhythm of your round. A lot of times when things go really low like this it's almost the role of the guy who is playing with you to keep things steady.

CAMERON YOUNG: I mean, he's really easy to play with. He's obviously a really nice guy and a good player. Didn't have his best day today, but he's very easy to play with and it's always fun. Whenever you play with someone like him you get some pretty big crowds, so I know not many of 'em out there started out there for me, and by the end maybe they were half a dozen that were watching me out there, so it was fun, I enjoy playing with those crowds and playing with a great player like Jordan.

Q. (No Microphone.)

CAMERON YOUNG: I have no idea. I wasn't paying much attention to 'em. I knew there were a bunch of people out there and I got a few more cheers than normal because I've been hitting it kind of bad. So, yeah, it was fun. The crowds are always fun.

Q. How many back do you think you'll be back tomorrow?

CAMERON YOUNG: It could be anywhere from 2 to 10, who knows. I don't think the wind's really going to pick up much, I haven't looked at the weather, but there's, you know, a bunch of world-class players that are already 9- to 13-under, someone at 7-under could also shoot 59 and I'm nowhere close again. So I would plan on having to maybe not do something similar tomorrow, but if I'm going to have any chance to win I'm sure I would have to shoot another low one.

Q. You're the 13th player or 13th time in history that a sub-60 round. Where does that rank on your golf memories or moments?

CAMERON YOUNG: It's certainly pretty cool. It's fun to have your name on a list that short. But there's some full tournaments that I probably would rank above it in terms of just like overall achievement. I feel like one day doesn't necessarily warrant like a crowning achievement of a career or -- it's certainly my high of the month. But, I mean, I'm sure I will pretty much try to forget by tomorrow and go through my routine and see what I can do tomorrow.

Q. What were your best shots or your best putts out there?

CAMERON YOUNG: Hit two really nice par putts, really three in a row on the front. I mean, it's nice to make the 9-footer on 1.

And then the hole-out was a great swing. I mean, it just did everything that I wanted it to.

But for me those three putts in a row on 5, 6 and 7, none of 'em particularly long, but all of them could have been missed, and that kind of just probably would have felt like it put a stop to my day a little bit. To get through those three holes without making a bogey and kind of showing myself that I can still make mistakes and get through it was really good for me.

Q. The tee shot on 15?

CAMERON YOUNG: Yeah, I don't know if you could hear it on the broadcast, but I hit it, I've hit that club everywhere and I finally hit one just straight at it. I think I said something to the effect of, just give me all the right bounces. And it did. I mean, where that ended up would be a great pitch from the front of the green. So it's, you know, a really good swing and a great strike, but for it to end up somewhere that you can basically tap it in for 2 is not likely. You could hit that same shot a hundred more times and you would get two on that plateau right here.

Q. Not taking anything away from your achievement, but was there ever an instance in your round where preferred lies came into play and you got a little bit of a break from what you otherwise would have had?

CAMERON YOUNG: In the fairways not particularly. I mean, the place is in really good shape, even after that rain yesterday. So, every once in a while getting to tee it up just a touch might help you a little bit, but for the most part the lies I was giving myself weren't much different, it was almost more just reorienting the ball.

Q. There wasn't a mud ball or anything like that?

CAMERON YOUNG: No, I didn't have anything like that out there.

Q. What did you hit off the tee on 15?


Q. How about the hole-out?

CAMERON YOUNG: Pitching wedge.

Q. Could we get a quick hole by hole of clubs and yardages.

CAMERON YOUNG: Yeah. 1, I had 119, I hit 53.

2, I had a chip.

3, I had 145, I hit pitching wedge.

4, I had 140, hit pitching wedge.

5 is 230, I hit 5-iron.

6 was, I think it was 149, I hit pitching wedge.

7 was I, I had like -- I didn't even get a number out of the bunker, and I had 56 for my third shot from the fairway.

8 was 217, I hit 6-iron.

9 was 127, I hit 53 again.

10 was 167, I hit pitching wedge.

11 was, geez, I don't even know. With the slope it was 132, so it was 146, I hit gap wedge, 53.

Then I had 100 something on 12. I had 82 front. I forget how many that hole is on. Like 27. It was like 109 or something like that. I hit 58 -- no, I hit 62.

Then I had 220 into the par-5, I hit 5-iron.

I had 144 on 14, I hit 53.

279 on 15 was 3-iron.

175 on 16, I hit 8-iron.

161 on 17, I hit 9-iron.

Then I had 104 front on the last hole, I don't even know what I had to the hole. I hit pitching wedge.

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