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June 22, 2024

Gaby Lopez

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me how things worked today, how everything kind of came together.

GABY LOPEZ: Yeah, I mean, today was pretty much the perfect golf round under the tough conditions that we had. Pin locations were very tough and you couldn't really get close to it.

We took advantage of the last par-5. Didn't convert couple par-5s but I really made a couple long putts and, yeah, I think teamwork was essential and we -- my caddie was telling me, just patience will pay off. Exactly that is what happened.

Q. Talking about the level of satisfaction with everything is clicking, all the work you've done is coming together to one place.

GABY LOPEZ: Yeah, sometimes people don't realize how good you're playing behind the scorecard. You know, I was not able to connect the shots, yeah, I'm happy that this week little by little things are clicking, and I'm just going to trust my preparation because I think I'm very prepared for the challenge that is coming tomorrow.

So I'm very proud of how we've overcome and we've faced tough times.

Q. We talked about this a little bit in Spanish, but there is a lot of thing going on soon which is the Olympic and I know that's a big deal for you?

GABY LOPEZ: 100%. The Olympic Games is exactly the highlight of our career. I am very, very proud to represent Mexico everywhere I can, are and to do it in a stage like that, to do it for something bigger than yourself, it just means dream come true.

I don't know, I'm hoping we can keep trending and building the momentum for the summer, because, yeah, I feel that the preparation is there. It's just a matter of trusting it and really enjoying hitting the shots that I'm facing on the golf course.

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