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June 22, 2024

Dominic Clemons

Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously a sore one, but you tried your best, a pretty valiant effort at the end.

DOMINIC CLEMONS: Yeah, not enough. Usually I pride myself on playing my best when it matters but didn't do that today. Disappointed, frustrated but it is what it is. That's golf.

Q. Can you put your finger on what went wrong?

DOMINIC CLEMONS: Too many shots this morning. Too many 3-putts. Giving too many early Christmas presents, basically.

Q. You tried your best, some great putts and the eagle, and from the bunker, as well. When you look back, what can you take from this?

DOMINIC CLEMONS: Definitely I'll come back stronger.

Q. A heck of an effort from 288 to get to the last two.

DOMINIC CLEMONS: It is what it is, it's golf.

Q. If you had to reflect, after Muirfield, finishing second here, what can you take from that?

DOMINIC CLEMONS: I would have rather taken a Muirfield win, put it that way.

Q. But something to be proud of, to kick on --

DOMINIC CLEMONS: Oh, yeah, I wanted to do the double. I wasn't able to do that. As I said, I usually pride myself on playing by best golf when it matters and when the pressure is on, and I didn't do that today. I didn't play well enough to win, simple as that.

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