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June 21, 2024

Amy Yang

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: All right, joined by Amy Yang, co-leader in the clubhouse after her second round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Take us through the day. Bogey-free round. What was working so well for you today?

AMY YANG: You know, obviously my back had been bothering me last few days, but I was still striking the ball really well like yesterday, and so I thought it would be fine.

I woke up today and starting few holes was feeling a little pain on my lower back, but I fight through really well and that actually gave me more like focus out there. Make sure I put even more like focus on each shot.

Yeah, it worked out well.

Q. Just how difficult is it to go bogey-free at a place like Sahalee?

AMY YANG: Oh, yeah. I mean, fairways are so tight, tee balls are so important. Yeah, it's just very challenging out there, and I enjoy being out there, yeah.

Q. We've heard this golf course is getting firmer, faster. How did you adjust from today compared to yesterday?

AMY YANG: Yeah, especially with the afternoon tee time it was playing really firm, so we make sure talk through where I'm going to pitch the ball. And, yeah, I think I had really good teamwork with my caddie.

Q. How critical is Jan in these moments when you need someone to lean on out there when it's difficult or maybe a little bit nervous being in contention?

AMY YANG: A lot. A lot. We built a lot of trust and work together almost past four years now. I trust his work 100% out there. It's been helping me tons, yeah.

Q. What do you do to stay bogey-free? Eight up and downs to save par. How did you get through those situations today?

AMY YANG: So, yeah, because of my back, I had -- I feel like I wasn't hitting quite well out there, but I was actually hitting full distances.

So had a little confusion here and there, but I made really good up and downs. Putting worked really well, so I think that helped a lot.

Q. I know a couple players talked about the ball going further this afternoon with it being warmer out. Is that part of what maybe played into that situation too?

AMY YANG: Yeah6, and also how firm out there as well, yeah.

Q. Just to be atop the leaderboard through 36 holes in a major championship, how does it feel at this point?

AMY YANG: I mean, I work hard for this and I get nervous out there, but we have 36 more holes and that's a lot of golf.

Just got to stay patient throughout the day.

Q. How tough is this? You've played in a lot of golf courses over your career on the LPGA. Can you put into context how tough a test this is?

AMY YANG: Any major championship is tough. It requires tons of patience, mental game, and just all around your game, tee balls through putting.

Yeah, it requires a lot.

Q. Do you feel like winning the CME last year gives you a little bit more confidence going into this position on the weekend given what a big test that was?

AMY YANG: Definitely gave me a lot of confidence after CME, but also I had some up and downs beginning of the season.

So I have to, you know, stay focused and just see what I can do and enjoy, yeah.

Q. Do you miss caddieing at all?

AMY YANG: (Laughter.) Yes.

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