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June 21, 2024

Kim Paez

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm here with Kim Paez, Corebridge Financial Team PGA member that's our low pro of the tournament. I know that it's not the finish that you wanted, but it's your first major. Tell me how your experience was this week at Sahalee.

KIM PAEZ: Absolutely amazing. It was an experience I would've never have even imagined. Very grateful to be out here. Sahalee, there is something about this place. It's majestic, magical, everything.

To be able to experience playing here in my first major alongside these big names, it's been a true honor.

Q. What were your biggest takeaways extra what do you think the biggest memory you will have this year at Sahalee was?

KIM PAEZ: My biggest takeaway is just to know that I gave it my all. I fought until the very last putt. I never gave up and I'm very proud of myself for that.

One thing I'll remember I think is just the atmosphere, the fans, and being part of the Corebridge Financial Team, the seven other girls. I mean, I'm very proud of us to be here and to represent the PGA of America.

Q. You work in Scottsdale down at the Ping factory. Tell me what you're going to be taking back for your coworkers there and how high will you be holding your head?

KIM PAEZ: Yeah, I'm going to be pretty excited to see them and tell them all about my experience. I've been getting message from my coworkers through the week.

I hope I made them proud. I'm pretty sure I made them proud. I know they're rooting for me over there, so I feel very blessed.

Q. Congratulations on your first major and safe travels home.

KIM PAEZ: Thank you so much.

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