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June 21, 2024

Stephanie Kyriacou

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell us about the round. I mean, difficult, no? I mean, some tough moments and some really good ones.

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, pretty solid all day. Hit it good off the tee, which definitely helps around here.

Putted good today; chipped good. Just like a couple errors, but overall really good day.

Q. So things are coming together? There was a struggle maybe yesterday?


Q. Do you feel like everything is coming together and will take you through the weekend?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, I think today just holed a couple more longer shots. Yeah, I feel like I've been playing good. I'm in a good spot mentally, in a good spot going into the weekend, so see what we can do.

Q. This is not the first time we talked at a major.


Q. This is the first time you're in contention in a major, so how does that feel?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: It's always good. It's always good being in contention, like any tournament, especially a major.

I've learnt in the last couple majors where I haven't gone so well over the weekend, so just going to try my best and see where that gets me.

Q. The last thing -- first is this week for sure, and then the Olympics are in the back of the mind. How important is that? How much are you looking forward to that?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: It's very important. I don't know if a good week here would get the job done, but it would bump me up in other things, so that would help. Yeah, if I could make the Olympic team that would be amazing.

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