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June 21, 2024

Charley Hull

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So Charley, great finish. I mean, tough one.


Q. Kind of take me through it.

CHARLEY HULL: Well, I played pretty well today. I just had a couple loose drives inside of my round, but I kind of sorted it out.

Got a bit unlucky with a double bogey on I think it was like my 4th hole. I was on the downswing and the toilet seat -- the toilet door slammed on my downswing and it went into the bunker, but it didn't just go into the bunker it plugged, so I didn't really have much of a shot.

Apart from that, I played pretty solid.

Q. Looks like a memory for...

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, exactly.

Q. So kind of your attitude. You been in contention before.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, definitely. Just go out there and make loads of birdies, have a lot fun, and just go out there and play golf.

Q. What parts of your game...(indiscernible.)

CHARLEY HULL: You want to drive off the tee box and be very straight, so just want to keep that in check.

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